Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year with autism

So, how did you far last night? Did you have everything prepared to tackle the sensory of sound? I hope you did. Well, it's a new year and a new us!

Have you made your New Years Resolutions yet? I know I have made mine and it is a doozy. I'm not going to try to loose weight. I lost weight during Thanksgiving and during Christmas. And I am still loosing weight. This year is going to be a fun stress free year, dedicated even harder to The Lord. He's the one that put me on this path to help others with autism and that's the main goal I hope to accomplish in that work for him.

My New Years Resolution is to get my publishing company off the ground again and getting it to generate serious capital. I'm also taking on another venture in my quest to tackle the sensory issue for children on the spectrum. But that's not the only one that I have. I'm going to get to a point where I can have the home of my dreams. One with a sensory room for Doodle. I'm sure most of you have heard of a sensory room. It's where children on the spectrum can go and chill out and calm down from over stimulation to the senses. Yep, that's what my goal is. The autism swing, the special lighting, special seating the calming colors. As the Queen song goes, I want it all. And honestly the only thing that will stop me will be me. This is for my child I will fight for her just like I fought her regression.

If I'm her biggest fan and I am her biggest fan then why can't I be my own biggest fan. I have someone else that is my biggest fan and that's Jesus. He believes in us. Yes he loves us so much that he believes in us. The good in us and the ugly in us. He stands with us no matter what and I know he's looking forward to this wonderful year of blessing me beyond belief.

Enjoy your day! May it be filled with blessings and over flow just like mine!

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