Monday, January 19, 2015

My Virgin Kitchen and Autism

So tonight I'm laying in bed, watching My Virgin Kitchen on Youtube and thinking about Doodle. If you haven't seen this channel you have to check it out. I love watching Barry's video's. Cooking has always been my thing so of course I would gravitate to this channel.

Doodle is a sweet tooth nut and he has some great sweets to make on his channel. I thought about making the edible cookie dough for Doodle's birthday. But I think I will save that one for Spring time. The way that he makes some of his creations does give me an idea to try to get Doodle back on the foods that she used to love but won't touch now because of her autism sensory. I don't get it. The child used to love zucchini! Won't touch the stuff now.

So Barry Lewis if you are reading this for some strange reason, help a mother out! I've gone from a super healthy eater of all things goods for you to nothing but junk.

Doodle does love noodle with a passion so I will be doing the spaghetti castle. That was really awesome and I highly suggest that video. The super huge foods are entertaining to watch. I will only try creating that when I get my own place and have parties.

So late yesterday and all day today I was out with my ex and his son from his previous marriage. Have you guys ever noticed how people use there phones to read things while ordering or watching or even eating their food. I don't get all the disconnect with missing out on good old fashioned time with someone. But to each their own. And really I can't say anything as in the past I played games at the dinner table too. I realized that the 30 minutes of dinner time game was 30 minutes of lost family time. But this was after the split, dirty habit really.

I think my goal for this year is to get Doodle back to healthy foods.

But this holiday of some what two days wasn't a total loss for me. My to do list is much longer. And I'm going to try my hand at learning to code. Yes, you read that right I'm going to be a girl that codes. Why would you do that? Because having a publishing company that is also known as a Creative Company affords me the luxury of taking the publishing company to all sorts of heights that other companies won't touch. I'm an outside the box thinker.

And hey the company is getting ready to launch 2 new lines so that is pretty cool. Both have to do with one book. I'm pretty stocked about it and it's something that I'm passionate about. Well, 6 am comes before I know it. Have a great day everyone!

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