Tuesday, January 27, 2015

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today marks 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz during WWII. Anyone that was deemed unfit for survival of Nazi Germany were locked in concentration camps. Mentally and Physically handicapped, Jews, Artist, Educators, Gypsy's, Communists and Homosexuals. If you don't know about the Holocaust I suggest you read Anne Franks diary so you can see why her family was in hiding and I also suggest that you study up on it. Why does it matter, you might say? Well, in order to keep from repeating the past you must learn about the past. What is that old saying? Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. And there is nothing more powerful then knowledge. Only this time I think that drama llama's would end up there too. A drama llama is someone who has to stir the pot over anything negative because they have to have attention.

If you head over to Google they have under the search area the link to find out lots of information. It's heart wrenching. Children lost their parents. Lots a children watched the death marched as they had to march into large crematoriums or ovens as some called them and burned to death. Many people lost loved ones. Siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, friends. 1.5 million lost their lives. So today's blog is short because today whether you realize it or not there are people in the world who would love more then anything that children and adults with autism would end up with this same fate. These are heartless individuals with no spines.

Have a moment of silence and be thankful for your life.

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