Thursday, January 22, 2015

Do you Pinterest Autism

Do you like to Pinterest? If you have a child on the spectrum or even know a child with autism you can find a lot of activities for your child to help them continue to learn and grow. Children with ASD need to be able to practice as much as they can on occupational therapy and speech therapy. And just because your child isn't at school all of the time they still need to be able to do practice while at home. Yes, I'm one of those parents who push. It's okay to push your child. Dr. Temple Grandin's mother pushed her. She hired a nanny that made sure that Dr. Grandin worked. And I can assure you my child is going to college.

In New York before your child is even born they need to be on waiting lists to get into certain schools. The parents there push their children because the schools expect it. So life on the spectrum is no different.

If you're not familiar with Pinterest then it's time that you get familiar with the site. Simple searches on there can help you build your educational needs for your child. Sign up for a free account and do simple searches. You can find all sorts of projects for home and school. So if you're a teacher you can find all you need. If you're one of those super moms, like myself, Pinterest is your right hand man!

If you're thinking there is no such thing as a super mom, then you would be wrong. My spare time is usually devoted to doing craft ideas. Some I do find on Pinterest others not so much. They just pop right into my head. There is so much that has to be done all moments of the day. If I didn't have my planner I would be lost as to what to do. And the new section for my planner is awesome. I got chastised for not writing down a date that I did something on my website and had to send a question to my web designer to find out if he remembered if it had been done. I know it had been done but I wanted to make sure.

My to-do list is for the week not the day. That's the only way I keep from getting exasperated over everything that needs to be done. And that's how super moms do it. And sometimes working late in the night at home. Can't be helped. And remember to save yourself some time and hit Pinterest to keep on top of what you can do to help your child.

And to save you some time follow us on facebook and I will post things that help your ASD child grow.

Have a great day everyone!

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