Monday, January 5, 2015

Vacation with Autism

Sometimes you just need to get away. It's refreshing for you. Even if it's just for a couple of hours at the nail salon you need a mental break. Well, that's what I did for the New Year. Though Doodle was with me, we shopped, explored and had a grand time. I take Doodle with me everywhere unless she has school.

What made it wonderful for me? Doodle is not on any medications except for her asthma. Essential oils are what help to keep Doodle on track. I'd heard lots of things about vitiver and yeah I have been trying it. I have better results with Frankincense and sweet orange oil mixed together. I really see no difference with her on the vitiver. But that choice of what you are going to use is up to you. For a violent child on the spectrum I highly recommend using myrrh. You will see instant results with that oil. All the procedures that you have in place to keep your kids from being so violent you won't have to worry about as long as your child has their myrrh.

And now I am reminded that I have an order that was placed at the health food shop. Some are for me the others are for my friend who has a child on the spectrum. When I took my supplies to her house to find out what would help and what would work we discovered it was the myrrh that helped the most and so I went to order some at the health food store. Only because the store didn't carry what I used and I am not about to try a different company when I know the oil that I have already works. Yeah, I'm that fickle!

It's not just oils that I needed at the health food store. I'm trying my hand at making make up. I want my make up to be chemical free as well. It's my last step for going chemical free. And yes the make up I'm creating will be sparkly! I'm not using super fine regular glitter for the eye shadows. In the baking department at the craft store they have edible glitter and that's actual what you need to have. Mica would be okay to use but you have to order that and in all honesty I have to be able to hold it in my hands the moment that I want it. I only prefer to order anything from the health food store. Not try to hunt anything down on the internet.

I did seriously debate and consider signing up and selling doterra but after several days I changed my mind. If I sell essential oils it will be what I am most familiar with and yes I can create a business with the essential oils I am use to. It's called spreading the risk and if one business isn't working well the other business will do well. You have slow business peaks where as some businesses you have will flourish during parts of the year. Depending on how you construct your businesses depends on how you work your businesses.

My best friend and I share a business. It's JK by 31 and I am so in love with the possibilities of this one. My friend Mandi sells 31. She had more possibilities for sales then we did at vendor events. We just sold jewelry at the time. Well, depending on the season depends on how you will sell. No matter what season she has in front of her she has no problem with sales.

As you can see several days with barely working has refreshed me mentally for going back to work. Yeah I was still selling while I was out. I had some Plexus cards and people are astonished that I've gone from a size 22 to a size 14. I can actually fit in a 12 depending on what going on in my life. If I don't want my pants so baggy and I don't want to wear a belt I will wear size 12. I don't mind a little baggy every now and then. I'm a woman on the go and I prefer the product be able to speak for itself. And I do have to take in my jacket. It's way too big. It's still size 22. But a cold snap has come through and I am putting my cloak back on because it's made for extreme cold. I love my homemade cloak. Since work is on my mind I need to get back to work.

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