Saturday, January 3, 2015

Slacking off with Autism

So yeah I'm slacking off. Not in sales but in the blog that I do for Something Building. My friend requests is overflowing with requests. Though I'm really not sure why but they can continue to wait. The Something Building blog is all about business. How to succeed. I've gotten countless comments from others who have taken the advice that I have written on the blog and seen their business just explode in sales.

Internet marketing isn't difficult. It's really quiet simple and the main thing that my co-host and I disagree on is that anyone can make money in multi-level marketing. He thinks they can't and I think they can. As long as someone has the ability to work for themselves and not give up on themselves they can do it. That and a good blue print on how to go about it. Well yeah every so often we tell them the blue print. And it's about time to do the blue prints to success again.

The show used to be about creating your own business, but not everyone wants to do that. So the show is now geared on how to create a business through mlm (multi-level marketing). I research a lot for the show just like I still research a lot for autism. Not every child on the spectrum is the same. They almost all share the same little quirks but not all. It's best to know what's normal and what's autistic.

Like me you have probably heard the same things. "That's not autism, that's being a normal child." Yes there are autism traits. Things that children on the spectrum do. Almost all of them do. Me, I specialize in sensory issues. I've studied them for a long time. I first learned how to deal with sensory issues when I had to deal with the autism meltdowns. It was a moment I literally ran from. Seriously, I ran!

Doodle was just diagnosed and I had taken her to a thrift shop so that I could purchase a few things for growing children while killing a little time. I wanted to browse the book section. And wouldn't you know it, the book section was dimly lit. Once the buggy got into the dimly lit section of the book aisle Doodle let out this blood curdling scream and every single patron in the store turn and looked at me as if I had just hacking away at my child. You know the old saying, fight or flight. Well I chose the flight. I pushed that buggy out of that section so fast I just about ran 4-5 people down who were in my way. Once we were back in the bright lights of another section of the store she calmed down. Maybe it was just a fluke I thought. So I turned the buggy around and headed back in that direction. This was before I truly knew what all of her triggers were. Again she screamed as if someone was pulling her hair and again I fled. That was not a section I was to be in that day! And that's when I learned dimly lit sections of stores or libraries were to be avoided at all cost.

When I learned that if you tackle the sensory first you can tackle the tantrum. You can stop the meltdown. Have you ever been in an all day meltdown? I have and it's not at the top of my list of my most fun experiences. I truly hate them with a passion and always come prepared to tackle any sensory issue known to man.

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