Tuesday, December 30, 2014

We don't like you and autism

So what do you do when you are out for break from school. You play outside of course. It's Christmas day and she's really enjoying her day with her new toys. What child doesn't? During the afternoon it was time to play outside. Lunch was picking at her food, which is normal. That doesn't bother me and I will explain why in a later post. this post is what I got to hear with my own ears from next door.

Doodle gets bored with her toys sometimes and trying to limit time on the ipad is key to me. She needs to play outside and have that fresh air. The rain was heading our way, the dark clouds were rolling in. Get the playtime in while you can.

When Doodle climbed into her trampoline that's when I heard those dreaded words. Words that hurt kids feelings and for others like Doodle have trouble figuring out why. She was jumping laughing and clapping having a good ol' time when out from the next yard came 3 kids about Doodle's age scream out, "We don't like you! Hey you! We don't like you!" Well this caught Doodle's attention and she stopped her jumping walked over to net closest to the offending yard and yelled back, "What?"

And with her question they started again, "We don't like you!" Again, Doodle replied back, "What?"

At this moment I had to intervene. She was enjoying herself in our yard. Why should her fun be interrupted by such hurtful words. If I had it in me my blood would have been boiling. I would have jumped that fence chased after those children and tried my best at terrifying them. Letting their parents, grandparents and or guardians to know how despicable they were for teaching their children to hate others. But that is not me nor is it my way. I only speak up when I see a child being beat up or in a fight. That's the time to intervene. Not now. 

Every opportunity in this big scary world is an opportunity to teach. And she needed to learn what to do. I looked up from my library book and calmly stated, "Go back to jumping baby. Ignore them they aren't saying anything important or nice." And with that she went back to jumping. She was having a blast and I'm not going to let someone else shatter her laughter. She had 30 more minutes of outside play, taunting children in the background and I'm proud that she held her own and did as I requested and ignored the little snot heads. It's flu season they could have had snot.

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