Sunday, December 21, 2014

Camel milk, autism and other "cure all's"

So yesterday's blog briefly touched on a subject of camel milk. Some people believe in the whole camel milk cures autism. No, it doesn't! Just like bleach enema's don't cure autism either. Now with the bleach thing if your considering it, realize what you are doing. This was some crack pot that concocted up an idea to take "easy" money from parents who are looking for a cure. And hey look he's taking your money and torturing your child all in the same hand swipe. Bleach is a toxin. It is not to be ingested. Not to be ingested means it shouldn't go up the butt either! Wait, why are you talking about bleach when you start off with camel milk?
I'm getting to it. Don't spend your time looking for cures. Looking for cures means your being lazy and not helping your child. If you're thinking I've crossed the line with that last sentence then you're at the wrong blog. Doodle can do a lot of things. In some areas she's far ahead of "normal" children in some area's she's a little behind.

Children on the spectrum have sensory issues. You have to deal with the sensory issues first. The sensory issues are what cause your child to shut down. Lighting, sound, smells, tastes, touch and stomach ailments. Most children on the spectrum have stomach issues. That's why a lot of them are picky eaters. Texture plays into that one too but that's a whole other blog! Because our foods in the United States are processed you will find that a lot of our children have stomach issues. Processed foods are not good for us and it's especially not good for them. This is why many parents are heading the gluten free route. It's an easy way to bypass the processed route. And yes even I have gone the gluten free route. When Doodle has regular cow milk she has a lot of stomach pains or "issues". When she has Almond milk she doesn't complain about any stomach issues at all.

See with sensory issues, children on the spectrum can't concentrate. The only thing they can focus on is the pain that they are feeling. Camel milk if not processed like cow milk can help with sensory issues but it won't cure autism. Don't waste your money for someone to take advantage of your "ignorance".  It's not ignorance if you didn't know right? Wrong. Common sense will tell you bleach doesn't go up your butt. All it takes is for someone's hands to be greased with green (money) for a whole bunch of testimonies to start popping up around the internet that bleach enema's cure autism or camel milk cures autism.

I'm not angel but I've never started out looking for a cure for Doodle's autism. I set out to help better understand her and help her. There are tons of people on the spectrum that have normal lives and many of them have gone to college. Many of them have high paying jobs. Dr. Temple Grandin is one of them. And if she can embrace her autism why can't we embrace what is making our children so wonderful? I mean, do I rally want my child to be "normal". Let's see, I have dealt with a lot of entitled children and teens who feel that walking over their parents and teachers and treating people like crap is normal. Because you know YOLO. Doodle is 8 going on 9 next month and not once have I encountered hearing out of her mouth what I have heard out of children that are younger then her demanding that someones house is hers and not theirs. I don't deal with the talk back like other parents do. Would I trade that for normal? Uh, NO!

Look if Doodle has a sensory issue in public I can deal with that. Other parents can look down at me for it. I'm used to it. But they can't look down at me if my child talks horribly to me in public because that will never happen! She's not wired that way.

If you stuck around through this "insulting" post tell me, what has been the craziest thing you've heard of as a cure for autism.

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