Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Monday's Autism Blues and sleep deprivation!

Yeah I know your reading this on a Tuesday. But in all honesty I've already posted the blog I wanted to share on Monday. Missing out on sleep. Yeah you know I'm talking to you. We've all had those days! How on earth can these children function with no sleep? Seriously, go to sleep!!!

Well, I can say that it's been a long time since I've had to worry about loosing sleep thanks to autism. Until last night! It used to be my doodle would get a 5 minute nap and stay up for 24 hours straight! Fall asleep on the bus coming home, meant she would fall to sleep at 5 am, nap and up at 5:30 to start the whole exhausting day over. I can't count how many days I had been dragging. Literally, dragging myself everywhere. Keeping the fake smile plastered on my face like I was happy every moment of the day to show everyone life won't get me down.

Some see the glass half empty, I'm the one that sees it half full with plenty to share. Cause yeah, I will be sharing as Doodle will take it. Well, when doodle and I got kicked to the curb by her father. Thanks for the complex and making sure that you kept everything from my business I started leaving us to start over from the bottom, (insert your own dirty word). But we have a new life and new stresses left me in a bind with Doodles regression because children on the spectrum can't handle change. Do I continue living in a life where autism rules my life? Heck no!

I like to follow autism blogs on facebook. One mom has tons of followers. She calls herself Mamma Fry. I love Mamma Fry. If it weren't for reading one of her posts about melatonin. That is what she uses to get her kid with autism to sleep. Never heard of that one before, and then all the comments of it's on sale at CVS! I ran out and bought out the store, replied a few people. Well now! Looks like I might be on a path to getting some sleep. Hmm. So after some research on melatonin I found out it's not habit forming and it doesn't cause any type of damage to your child. BONUS!

Don't give your child nyquil or other forms of the like as this can cause kidney damage. Melatonin doesn't give you that problem. So our nightly routine is some Calm Child I get at the health food store and melatonin in candy form from Walgreens. And wouldn't you know it, last night I forgot to give her her perfume. 

I use two essentials oils for her perfume to calm her. Frankincense and orange oil. I can't use lavender due to the fact it doesn't help to calm her down but for some reason the orange oil does. 

After I finished working on the blog last night at 11 pm I heard it. The most terrifying sound for a parent to hear before they go to bed. The giggle. Please say she's having a dream. And then the ever dreaded, "Mamma, I want water please." What happened to sleeping all night? I promise you she had to have snuck into the bathroom and brushed her teeth.  That happened last month. She ate her bedtime candy and ran right to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Chemical free toothpaste is what I use. Make it myself, thanks to wellness momma. This stuff removes toxins from your body and it's the only toothpaste that I use as going back to regular toothpaste has her having tantrums and harder to get her to focus and behave at school. She gets in a lot of trouble at school when she's on regular toothpaste. If you ever caught the old episode of Regis and Kelly for the teacher of the week. I was so proud my daughter was featured on TV. Until it was then I found out she's a freaking terror at school! Thanks for all the lies that she's been good all day! Back on subject. She used the toothpaste it removes the melatonin from the body so sleep will not come. Darn being chemical free!!!!!

Last night I don't know what happened. She woke up at 11 pm and didn't go to sleep until 3 in the morning. And yeah she wanted to make sure I didn't sleep either. As she and I share a room if Doodle ain't asleep mommy ain't getting any sleep.

And of course the alarm went off at 5:30 and I dragged my body up to hit the snooze button, only to wake again at 7:22 am. Darn it! I slept right through my alarms! And it was a serious debate. Let her get a tardy or keep her home. What am I thinking, she's got 5 minutes to get to school where she won't get a tardy! I can do this!!! And I did. Fastest I have ever gotten her ready, hair brushed, teeth brushed, clothes on, socks and shoes. Yeah, I didn't have time to hear her grip about not wanting to go to school. Tonight if I have too I'm going to pour her "perfume" essential oils on the bed to make sure she stays asleep. Oh and hide the tooth paste!

What was one of your wildest moments due to sleep deprivation?

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