Tuesday, December 23, 2014

School's out how to keep up with work

For my experience the ipad or tablet helps to keep Doodle occupied while I work, when I have a deadline. Since it's a holiday from school, both Christmas and the New Year, I'm really laxed on her sleeping schedule. She's up watching Alvin and the Chipmunk video's on youtube as it is past midnight while I write this blog and I discuss over chat with my co-host about our video show for Something Building.

I have a few ideas kicking around in my head over how I'm going to be doing the ads for our other business we do together. Right now I feel my face is on everything we do and a few things need to be changed up. Some days I can't keep up with photo shots, being a mom and entrepreneur. I don't want to feel as though I'm drowning. I still want to make time for my Doodle and my businesses.

I have 25 books I've checked out from the library in 2 days and I have to get through all of those on her school break. I'm not a professional photographer but in all honesty I really need to try my hand at it and there are a few things I still need to learn on internet marketing and sales. And the good news is I can get through a book in a day. If I'm having a little trouble following it, it will take me 2 days to finish it.

All of my blogs are usually done in one day's time. From there I schedule them and I am done for at least a week or more. Depending on what I feel needs to be shared. With autism and business there's so much to talk about. Especially since I've been on the fence for years about even doing a blog post. So here I am up late at night typing away. With a promise in my heart that I will be posting one post a day.

With that at least for three more days I have a blog to post every single day. I haven't gotten to the point where I can jot down in my planner what topic for what day I will be doing but I'm close to being there. I can honestly say that I might be able to do that after the new year.

Just know that for Christmas and the New Year they will not be messages about those days. Those are family days and if I'm lucky I might be able to send out the message that they are done. But just like autism I have no idea what the day will hold. All I can promise is that everyday at 8 am CST a blog does post.

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