Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The cruel fate of shopping with Autism

If it's a day that I have the opportunity to shop with my Doodle (and it's very rare) I have to be prepared mentally. Shopping with her if it's not about shopping for her can be very trying. Yes, she wants every toy under the sun and depending on the store we are in could trigger a melt down. Today, was one of those days. I'm trying to mentally and physically prepare for a photo shoot that needs to be started for the new business campaign. As the graphic designer I know exactly how I want to ad to go. Now getting those results my be a whole other animal. And since everything will need to start at the first of the month and before Doodle's birthday I either have to purchase or price now.

The merchandise for the photo shoot came in yesterday. Which means I need to start the outfits pronto. Sometimes being a creative person weighs heavily on my mind. So many things that need to be done. And yes that even includes story boards. No self respecting graphics designer or advertiser can work without one. It's the template of our bread and butter. It's the work you show to your clients or business partner(s) that gives you the green light or the red light.

And working for myself with no other employees at my disposal right now means that everything has to be handled by me. I really don't mind this aspect of my job. I prefer to know and handle my business from every aspect. Which is why I rarely allow myself to get sick. I just don't have time for it. And on the occasion that sickness does creep in it normally puts me out for a week. Well, for that I have but one thing to say. Thieves oil. I love love love the stuff. I've woken on two occasions with chills and body aches. Two drops of thieves oil and all symptoms were gone in 5 minutes. I'm serious! 5 minutes!

So today was a shopping day and since it's a Saturday and Doodle being out of school, merchandise waiting at my partners' house I had to find great prices on what I would need to put the photo shoot together. Shopping at fabric stores normally aren't a problem for Doodle but today they were the bain of existence. And of the next store a thrift shop for the outfit that would become what would be the key piece in the ad. I wouldn't buy a Thomas the Train video. She was not a happy camper. She didn't throw a fit. But it was the words and how I said them that put her back into check. "Today is not the day for mommy to buy that. We are only getting this piece and nothing else. Maybe some other time. Until then we are going for yogurt when mommy pays for this."

I have certain days set aside for for certain things. We weren't able to go for yogurt yesterday and it had to be scheduled for today. Yogurt days are important to Doodle. If she's well behaved at school all week she gets a yogurt day at the end of the week. A great way to reinforce good behavior. Naughty behavior as I call it gets the ipad taken away. And two bad days in the week gets no yogurt.

This is a technique that has worked very well, especially when Doodle and I moved back to my hometown. But I will deal with changes in environments in another blog.

Be firm and stand your ground. Children whether on the spectrum or not are manipulators and will always want to get their way.

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