Thursday, April 2, 2015

Autism Awareness Month - Light It Up Blue

Today is April the 2nd and it is a day I celebrate the beautiful life of my precious Doodle. To her it's like a second birthday. Only with no presents but there is cake. I tell her every year it's a special day to celebrate who she is and to embrace her difference.

It's Autism Awareness month and today we light it up blue. On facebook all of the main pages for my company and this blog have the light it up blue image from Autism Speaks. It's not an important day for some people but for me it's a perfect day. It's another day where Doodle can feel special in a world where most people don't understand and don't even try to understand her.

1 in 68 children in the United States has some form of the Autism Spectrum Disorder. The numbers are growing yearly, monthly, weekly and daily.  And there are still parents out there that think their children are an abomination. Parents who hate their children because of autism.

We live in a world with barely any understanding of people with differences. People who turn against others because of the pigment of their skin. To me this is very stupid. And this is where my personal beliefs come in. God does not look at our outward appearance. He looks at our heart. He knows us not by color or disability. He KNOWS US! Who we are. What we are about. What we are thinking. What we are plotting. He knows what what we are doing even if we are "by ourselves and no one else is around". So when you think no one knows. God knows. We are never truly alone. God wouldn't do that to us because he is all knowing.

If there are times that you "think" you don't like your child because of their autism. That's hate on your heart. Embrace autism. There is nothing wrong with embracing what makes you, your friends or your children unique. Different.

I have friends that are different "colors or races". I love them so much they are different then me. They have special skills and talents. They've done things I never would have been able to do. I have friends who are Veterans, are currently in the military, friends who are artist, friends who own their own businesses, friends who are male and female and friends who have been put in the same boat that Doodle and I have found ourselves in. What makes us all the same. We have blood running through our veins, a heart that beats. We have eyes, a nose, a mouth. We are different but we are still the same. The outward appearance that's much like ourselves.

And as I write this I'm listening to a song that says fear is just a lie. So what are you afraid of? Don't let it be autism or the pigment of someone's skin. If I gave an excuse for everything I would have an excuse for not liking someone with a different skin color. Right before my 8th birthday my grandfather was killed by someone "with a different skin pigment" as his. That does not give me an excuse or a reason to hate all or even to hate a man. All lives matter. Even if you weren't loved or felt you were never loved, now is the time to break out of the "mold" so to say and give love. Love with all your mind, body and soul. You'll feel better about yourself and you'll feel better about the people around you. My mother wasn't very loving when I was growing up. Doodle doesn't know that and she doesn't feel that. I hug and kiss on her as much as I can. I tell her I love her at every moment possible. It helps her and it helps me.

Enjoy your day guys. I'm off to the store to buy cupcakes with blue frosting. I'll even have them write Autism on the cupcakes, because my kid is autism awesome!

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