Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Azalea Trail Maids, the beach and Autism

I will admit I'm not one of those parents that takes endless photo's of their child. Bringing a camera everywhere I go is not something that I'm known for. You will find that I carry a small little notebook everywhere I go. I have to take notes when an idea hits me. But as for a camera, not gonna happen. So while on Spring Break I did not get that much of a documentation of Doodle having fun. I did however remember to bring my camera with me when we went to the Sea Lab at the beach. It was a good drive from where we live but it's worth it. Doodle loves the water. Most children on the spectrum are obsessed with water. Officers are now being trained that if a child on the spectrum has come up missing the first place they are to look is near the closest body of water.

I've had help with teaching Doodle to only go near water with myself or the person she is with if she's near it. That would be the training of her teacher from last year. Her teacher and her para educator are my miracle workers. Doodle would not be where she is today without them.

And just for clarification I got to use my camera a few times before it died. Yeah, did I mention I'm not one of those parents that carries their camera around everywhere they go? And with that being said, it's no surprise that the battery died. And by the time I remembered that I had the iPad with me our day was almost done. So enjoy the small bit of pictures that I took. I won't burden you with the multiple pictures that I took and just leave you guys with some of the singles, maybe a few multiples. But not all 42 of them.

And as I write this blog, I have just posted the one that will be yesterday's news, on my tsu account the blog is getting a lot of interest. It's taken a lot for me to even consider to share pictures of Doodle. Autism Dad won't share pictures of his son's face. Momma Fry I don't ever recall seeing a picture of her son. The reason that I am sharing what I am sharing is a way to say, they may have autism but it will be okay. Life will get easier. The first three years of diagnoses are always the hardest because you don't know what to do or how to go about getting the help you need or what type help you want.

We headed to the Sea Lab where education about our environment is key to taking care of where we live. The thing that caught Doodle's eyes and my own were the Azalea Trail Maids. By the time we got up to where they were only one remained. It was really crowded on Saturday. I was excited to have Doodle take her picture with this young lady and very thankful that she stayed in this area, though the dress must have been unbearable as the sun was bright but the weather was a little chilly. By afternoon I knew these young women would be sweating up a storm.

Enough rambling on with the pictures, cause I have so much work piled up due to Doodle being on Spring break I wasn't able to get anything done.

Our ride headed to the beach. The water was beautiful and the weather was a little chilly.

Doodles' first time seeing an Azalea Trail Maid. The pride of my hometown.

The fish that were just as curious of us as we were of them.

Can you see the frog that was so curious of Doodle it jumped out of the water it was in?

Kermit has nothing on this smart little frog. He wanted a closer look at Doodle.

Here is the toad in the same enclosure as the frog 

These are the fish you will find in the Bay.

The very last picture I got before the battery died on my camera. Sea horses! Doodle's favorite.

From here the images are out of order but I don't think you will mind too much.

We live in a town where fishing is a way of life. So it makes sense that this fishing net is part of the playground.

This is a boat that was found after one of the hurricanes that hit this area.

On the playground. Doodle insisted I take a picture.

Kids get to play on a small version of a fishing boat.

Doodle enjoyed playing with the ROV. It was one of the things that she really enjoyed. Other then the crafts and I did not remember that I had the iPad at the time of the crafts.

It was after she had a plain Jane hotdog and into her chocolate chip cookies that I remembered that I had the iPad with me and I could continue to take photos.

I got a picture of her on a buoy, she was very curious of it after she saw about 5 kids climbing up on it. So what better time for her to have a photo opportunity.

It's not the same if you got your picture while on a cannon and you don't have a picture with your kid on a piece of history.

By the afternoon the chilly day was gone and we got to really enjoy the beach.

This picture was taken before the other one. Had to do a retake because, well, it's the water in the background that shows our day. And yeah my head is cropped because it's hard to see the screen with the sun being so bright.

Hope you guys enjoyed a little look into our lives. Have a great day!

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