Monday, March 9, 2015

Sick days and Autism

So here we are right off of the weekend and Doodle is running a fever. No school for her. Well, actually she started off at school and while I was at Lowes the school called saying she was running a fever. I had a few things that needed to be purchased this morning and luckily for me got them before I had to get Doodle from school. I have a few surprises that are going to be released this week. It was suppose to start today (Monday) but as how Doodle is home sick they just have to be postponed right now. Sick child in the house, you have to keep busy with your child and not your business.

And as most of you know, spring has sprung. Some can feel it and others can't right now. Here where we live, you can feel it and it is wonderful. Yesterday was beach weather. Oh it was so nice! And I will admit on Friday I stopped by my favorite place to purchase clothing for Doodle and myself. The Goodwill Bargain Center. Two over sized bags for $11.45, which means that each article of clothing cost $0.42. And with that spring and summer outfits are fully taken care of. I might have a purchase a few more shorts for Doodle but for right now everything is still fine.

So my week this week looks like what? Well, can't do recordings for youtube as long as Doodle is home. She's a bit loud especially with the ipad. I do have a few sensory projects done for Doodle. As keeping her busy with sensory is very important to her progressing.

And I can now re-shoot the video of clipping Doodle's nails. It takes time to get to a point where you can trim your child's nails with them being wide awake. Your child with ASD that is. And like I've said before, it all started with a cheat. Children on the spectrum want to be treated like everyone else. Even if they have little quirks that might make it a bit impossible. Finding a nail salon that is patient is the most important thing. She got her nails done while I got the exact same treatment. And talking with her during the process makes things a little more comforting for her.

So as I figure out what all I have to do when I am able to go back to work and she goes back to school, life will be a little off whack the next couple of days. Until then I'm rocking my new Big Daddy Weave shirt and enjoying the day, taking care of my Doodle.

Have a fantastic day everyone.

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