Thursday, February 26, 2015

Relaxed day Autism

So here it is another beautiful day where I live. This is sunny fantastic weather. Doodle and I are in our shorts and summer shoes. It's suppose to be really cold tomorrow. So I've decided to force Doodle outside to play. No ipad. She's back up to 100% now and she's beaten the bug. Yay!

Sometimes children on the spectrum don't want to do what they are suppose to do. You have to force them. Her previous teacher used to do a lot of distraction or redirecting. Pretty soon my home and a friend of mines home will be filled with distraction toys. They aren't really toys but ways to do OT at home. I was told that Doodle loved to play in the OT bins. I will let her earn her ipad time once I'm able to get all my OT therapy stuff together. At least now she has kids that she can play with. I keep her on a regular play date schedule. And that's beneficial for her to know how to interact with other children. Where as before she would just play by herself and never with anyone else.

Sometimes as parents we just have to do what we have to do. Forcing our kids to do their speech and OT work at home. And in all honesty how are we suppose to expect our kids to progress if we don't continue the therapy at home. It's not hard, it's not a chore. That's the whole reason why I started doing this blog. I'm haunted by the children who were murdered because a mother said they weren't normal. Seriously, to kill your kids because they have autism is okay? It's not okay, that's just selfish. And let's not forget about the woman from last year who threw her autistic son off a bridge because life was too hard for her. She was collecting donations. Her son had a lot of the things that Doodle doesn't. Special therapy swings for inside the house. He kept to himself. Was well behaved according to relatives. She as a mother felt that she was overwhelmed and over worked.

Well, that's why you take some time for yourself. It's important to splurge on the mani pedi's. And I do insist that mothers take that trip at least once a month. Don't worry about shopping for yourself. Take time out for the $70-$100 mani pedi where you get the works including the massage. You'll thank me for it. Heck, you'll kick yourself in the butt for not doing it sooner. A friend of mine taught me that little piece of Heaven. She has a son that can't walk due to his disability and me, well I like to keep distracted with projects. Sometimes that means so many projects that I'm working for weeks on end. She told me that it's important for your mind and body to take care of yourself too. Never under estimate the power of friendship. If you have allowed your life with autism to take your friends away. It's time that you re-evaluate your life.

Though I'm 400 miles away from that friend, when I moved back home I was contacted by a friend from middle school. She has two children with special needs and one was just diagnosed with autism. Poor thing has been running around in a fog for years from being overwhelmed. Heck, pretty much life has ridden her hard. But I'm seeing the young lady now that I used to know. Fun loving, always with a smile and sarcastic remark. When I go shopping I take her with me. It's not like I go to the Gap or places like that. I love to refashion so you can find me at the Goodwell by the pound every other month. I even took her to the place where I only by pants and under garments. Ross Dress for Less. They aren't places that you would find my business partner and his significant other at but I am who I am. They aren't paying my bills or putting clothing in my closet. I am. Remember in a previous post I informed you that my husband kicked Doodle and I out with only the clothes on our backs. I'm having to replace a lot of clothing. Winter clothing and now I'm getting ready to start working on summer clothing, including bathing suites and under garments. Don't give me grief over how I mention the unmentionables, I'm old fashioned.

This week I'm trying to figure out my schedule because I took a mini vacation with Doodle. When her father comes down to see her he's not allowed to stay with my parents. I respect that and he's learning to respect it too. So he takes Doodle and myself to another city to spend time with us. I'm not gonna complain. It's the most time he's spent with either of us for well over 5 years. I would say that he's trying to make up time and work on the marriage. But he just recently bragged that the legal separation paper work came in. Doesn't hurt my feelings any. It means in 3 years the divorce will be final and I can finally move on with my life. I really don't think he wanted a wife anyways. I feel that he needed a full time babysitter for his two kids from his previous marriage that he had full custody of. But that's neither here nor there. I do know that the only thing that he regrets right now is the mounting debt he's collecting now.

Does that bother me? NOPE! I lost my business, the home we shared, all of Doodle's therapy things. I had to start over from scratch and really and truly I'm much happier now then I have been in years. I've rebuilt my business from the ground up. I've gone from 0 to 60 with less then $500 and now that the legal separation papers are in and I started the business over he can't touch it. Where as before my business is all he wanted. He even demanded at several points in time that I sell it. That's my business, I'm not selling anything. And my business partner doesn't have not one part in my company. He and I are just partners in the radio show and a couple of other direct sales business. It was the direct sales businesses that got my company back on it's feet. I'm a business minded person. It runs in my blood.

You will have people out there that don't need what all I have to offer. And you will have people out there that need it in the worst sort of way. It's about finding the need and filling it. That's business.

On that note I have things that need to be done. So you guys have a great day.

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