Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Friday the 13th, Autism

Yeah, you saw the title correctly. It's Friday the 13th and I'm feeling it. My coffee is not helping me to wake up. I'd better get my fanny in gear and figure out how to stop yawning or this is going to be a bad day.

So far this should be a pretty good day. Remember that you have an iep. And with that iep it is set up to help you as the parent. Remember me telling you about this little boy that says such horrible things to Doodle as we walk in our neighborhood. One I haven't seen him in awhile, two I got some great advice from Brent Hansen on how to handle the situation and some great advice from a friend of mine on facebook. I call her the kid whisperer because she turns parenting into an art form. She is a super mom with a full time job. She rocks no doubt about it. And third I've started carrying my camcorder. The father of the little boy isn't happy about me doing this but I could care less about what he thinks considering that he heard his little boy saying these horrible things and has done nothing about it. I have told Doodle's teacher about the incidents and they are working with me to get this corrected. There is no reason what so ever for someone to be afraid of a person because they have a "disability".

Now when I say that you have an iep that means anything that you see at home that you need help with correcting this is where the correction starts. IEP's are the best on getting you help. Do not fear the iep and do not hold back. You see behavior that needs to be corrected and that you are having a hard time correcting, this is where you get help. I love iep's. This is how Doodle grows. If you want too you can push the speech. Your school pays for speech therapists and OT therapists. Doodle was sort of cute with the way she said love and music. Lurshe and usmic. Well, now that she's 9 it's time that the Cindy Brady speech gets kicked to the curb. Take note of the words that your child has trouble saying and make sure that list makes it into your iep meeting.

Negative behavior can be corrected using your iep also. You can never go wrong with utilizing your iep. That's what it is there for. I've gotten a lot of speech correct and bad behavior corrected through the iep. And if you have a teacher that thinks this is beneath her then take this fight to the board of education. Your parental right assure you that your child has a right to free education. If your child has an iep and a regular education teacher, these teachers are not trained in helping your child the way that a special education teacher is. A special education teacher has a higher degree than a regular education teacher.

And don't have that mentality that just because a child is in special education they can't go to college. Yeah, I've had someone think that way. And of course they extended the no offense. Well, there's no offense taken. Kids who do not take honor classes can still get into college. I can vouch for that one. I got into college. Got my degree and it wasn't a degree that I really wanted but I was not about to waste my parents money. I went into the work force and continued to learn about business. The career I wanted you can not get in college. The internet was just for ready the news and getting electronic mail. So much has changed in 10 years. A lot of people are self taught on their business and I am one of them. We are a success as long as we are working on our business. But always remember that family comes first. Keep your priorities in check.

In closing, when you have a problem make sure that you get video. Pictures don't tell much of anything. Video works much better. And make sure that if this is something that effects your child's learning environment take it to your child's teacher. And most importantly, spin the negative into a positive.  This will throw your opponent off track and boost your child confidence in themselves. They've got enough against them and you love them more then anything in the world. Sometimes they need that assurance. Don't do the negative and don't leave a child in the fetal position sucking his or her thumb where they end up spending years in therapy trying to get over their stupid kids ignorance.

Have a great day.

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