Saturday, February 14, 2015

This afternoon's walk with Autism

So this afternoon's walk around the neighborhood was an interesting one. Of course I am now walking the neighborhood with my camcorder. I don't have an iphone. I love my LG and I'm sticking with it. I don't use it for video just taking pictures on occasion. Well, here I am walking around the neighborhood teaching Doodle what a unicorn is in the Bible. And teaching her the history of when it was changed. After the unicorn lesson I went on to teach her what a heffer is. This lesson started as we were approaching the house where the little boy lives. The one that's been saying some pretty mean things to her. I've been waiting to say something to the family but only when the boy said something again. Well as we passed the house we were will into what a heffer was, yes I told her it was a cow. Doodle turned to the boy, his sister and their mother waved to them and said, "Bye, heffer. See you later." And yes I corrected her. I'm not raising a rude child. But I will admit that it was pretty funny.

And as some of you know in parts of the South Mardi Gras is in full swing. For those that have children on the spectrum you also know that it's a sensory overloaded time and not something you can go to. Well, thanks to the wonderful people at Publix where we live they had their own form of Mardi Gras. But it was more of a food tasting. I was all over that. What a perfect opportunity to try new foods that she would normally not try at home. Her favorite food at the event was asparagus. And she ate the entire thing! I got the recipe for that one. I was pretty stoked. She tried lots of other foods some she tried one bite of and some she ate up with no problems. So that pretty much tells me that I can branch out from noodles. Yay! I'm so sick of noodles it's not even funny. It's the only food that she won't turn her nose up and will actually eat. Yay, for trying new things.

So that was pretty much my day. Another fun filled mother daughter day. Yes I spend a lot of time with Doodle when she's not in school. She's  pretty interesting kid. If she didn't have any speech I would still be communicating with her even if it was through her art, which is the direct link to her soul and through her communication book. Life without her just would not be the same.

I hope you have a great day, it's time for me to get some work done.

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