Wednesday, May 13, 2015

To medicate or not to medicate that is the Autism

Here it is 4 in the morning and I'm writing on the blog. I screwed up and did my Plexus today and b12. I've just haven't had any energy. When 3 am rolled around and I was still wide awake I had to get out of bed and do something. Maybe catch up on my work that I didn't get a chance to do today. And of course write on the blog. Wednesday is fast approaching and I don't want to miss another blog post.

So as the title says medication and autism. Now, I'm not going to stop any parent from medicating their child if they feel that's the way to help their child. It's not my place to try and parent a parent on how they see best it to raise their child. I know there are parents out there that will do just that. This just like the autism diagnoses is a very touchy subject. I've already had one person out of 6 years of Doodle's diagnoses tell me I needed to medicate her. And as we all know from the past blog post that didn't end well for her.

With medications it takes months to try to get it right. It may work it may not. It may work for several months or several years and then just stop working. There are some great autism groups to join to discuss this matter with other autism parents. And that's the best advice that I can give you. Find a social media support group. They understand what you are going through. It doesn't hurt to ask about different medication that may or may not work. One thing that you need to keep in mind though is not every child on the spectrum acts the same. One child will act and do things differently then another child on the spectrum.

For me, I've had far better results removing chemical laden products that are created for our "convenience"  to clean our home, clothing, self and carpets. I never would have guessed in a million years that the main reason why Doodle had so many meltdowns and outbursts were because of these chemicals. Doodle is highly sensitive to one chemical in particular. SLS also know as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. This is the chemical that made her feel like she was being stabbed by 1000 needles. So it pretty much explained why she couldn't focus.

I can't use medication. In order to get rid of the chemicals I had to replace all of what I use on and around Doodle. I make her soap, shampoo, toothpaste, the products that I use to clean the house, laundry detergent and a vast other amount of things that are near or around Doodle. The toothpaste that I use removes toxins from her body. Most parents with children on the spectrum use the main ingredient that removes the toxins to bathe their kids with.

I also use essentials oils and just like a parent that requests a doctor to change the prescription to better help for their child I adjust essentials oils. It used to be that frankincense and orange oil worked on Doodle to help keep her focused. I've had to adjust this to be frankincense and lavender oil. It calms her so much to the point I spray this on the bed to help her get to sleep faster and not fight the melatonin.

And just like medication, essential oils take some time to figure out what will work best. Most people who love essential oils swear by vetiver on their children. Well, that doesn't work on Doodle. And I've tried a lot of oils on her. Frankincense works the best so I'm always going to make sure that I pair it with another oil to keep her on track.

Yes, I have a child that's verbal. No, I don't have a child that can hold a conversation with me or anyone else. But she's a lot further ahead then some kids on the spectrum. We didn't even see any speech until she was 6. So if your child is under the age of 6 don't panic that they don't have speech. Just keep the faith. Faith is the one thing that kept me going.

Doodle has a certain prayer that she says every morning the goes along with The Lord's prayer. She knows her prayers by heart. She even has a prayer that she is to say before she eats. She's come a long way. Long ago she was a little thing that did a lot of therapy. And I seriously mean a lot! And still not the speech she was suppose to have. I credit her teacher and para at the school she used to be at. A good teacher will help the child because they see the potential in the child. I can tell you I don't want a freaking babysitter. Doodle wants to be a doctor when she grows up. That or Jesus Christ. Sorry Doodle, you will have to stick with doctor. There can only be one Jesus but you can be like Christ.

You are the parent of your child on the spectrum. The right to medicate or not medicate is up to you and no one else.

Have a great day guys.

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