Saturday, November 28, 2015

Getting ready for Christmas Autism

So right now it's Friday and in an hour it will be Saturday. I'm late getting this together but I'm sure you guys won't mind. Doodle is still not on medication and her regression was driving me up the wall this week. The guttural hums and screams have really tried my nerves. And I've been out of her calm child which helps her sleep at night, it pairs well with her melatonin. I ran out last Friday and had my health food store order it but it still hasn't come in yet. This has not been the best week for Doodle. She broke the bedroom window earlier in the week. And other then stepping on the iPad she's never broken anything before.

Look at it this way. Most children on the spectrum don't sleep. AT ALL! I mean they get like a 5 minute nap and then they are up for 24 hours. It's just the way their brain functions. I went by the health food store today (they weren't having a black Friday sale so it was pretty slow over there). That's the way I like it when Doodle and I go shopping. She's not very patient. Most kids on the spectrum are that way. You want me to wait in line? I'll circle the store for 30 minutes, thank you. Well, the order still hadn't come in. I've got a $20 bill in my pocket book burning a hole in my pocket to be spent on this calm child.

When Doodle doesn't sleep, I don't sleep. Nothing like your child waking you in the middle of the night with a gruntal scream and then the guttural humming. Her father had a bad habit of waking me in the middle of the night over something stupid and now Doodle wakes me in the middle of the night because she is wide eyed and bushy tailed. So as you can see I was desperate!

For some reason just plain melatonin doesn't work. She can drink the whole freaking bottle and still not go to sleep. Last night I was flinging lavender essential oil all over her bed like a priest in the middle of an exorcism. That finally worked but it didn't keep her asleep and it took until close to midnight before she finally went to sleep.

Heartbroken that I couldn't find liquid calm child we went to Michaels craft store and bought a little package of shopkins. She loves singing that song and watching people unwrap the toys on youtube. So I know she wanted one of the toys. Every time she wanted to act up or make that horrible noise that has really put an end to the last of my nerves I would hold up the toy and say if you want this you need to calm down. Even when I stopped what I was doing to help a customer (no I wasn't working) she stayed close to my side. Motivation, you know I love it.

By the time I got home I realized that I has a sample bottle of calm child in pill form. Well, I have a mortar and pestal I can crush two of those bad boys up and try it that way. So that's what I did. I slipped it into her hot cocoa at dinner. She didn't finish all of her cocoa which had me a little bummed so I talked to her Godfather and he helped to get it all down. She scarfed that drink down like there was no tomorrow. And when she finished it she said "Eww yucky". Which tells me that she could taste the pill form.

So as it's drawing closer to midnight, what is Doodle doing? She's sleeping so hard and she's been that way since a little after 7:00 pm. I really don't know what to do with myself now that I've got my nights back. Well, I can tell you this, I wasn't writing on the blog. I wasn't working on my publishing company. I was searching youtube for crafting and gift ideas for Doodle to do for Christmas. Oh yeah my priorities are in tack tonight. Not really. I was enjoying the peace and quiet. And Doodle? Well Doodle is still sawing logs hard!

You guys have a great night! I know I will with getting sleep again.

If your local health food store doesn't carry it and you want to try it, here is the link for it at amazon.

My past week.

My help with getting Doodle her sleep.

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