Monday, September 11, 2017

Really that type of Monday Autism

So this morning Doodle was running around the front yard as we waited for the bus to show up. She was looking at the iPad and not paying attention. And that's why she fell. She cried out that she hurt her leg but I felt that it was her ankle. She wasn't screaming bloody murder. Just crying. When she gets hurt really bad she cries and nothing can calm her down. Like hours worth of a meltdown. That's the way that she acts when she's really hurt and we need to head to the emergency room.

But she didn't cry like that. Just a little whimper and kept saying she hurt her leg. So before the bus pulled up I asked her to get up so I could see. She put full weight on her leg with no issues. And just hobbled to the porch.

By the time the bus showed up she hobbled to the bus. According to the school when they called an hour and a half later, she was crying and wouldn't let the nurse check her leg. She was in so much pain and couldn't walk. So the school gave her a wheelchair to be able to get to the first aid office. Well, that just added fuel to the fire.

I get to the school and I'm able to touch her leg and all Doodle wants is to go home. You know, where the iPad is. That she thinks is waiting on her to come play it. I think she is officially addicted to the iPad and it's time to put a limit on it. I was able to check her ankle again and applied a bit of pressure cause her shoe was off along with her sock. And she was chilling in a wheelchair still. She wasn't upset, she wasn't crying, she was happy and all smiles.

So what's a parent to do? My kid, even though she has autism is a drama llama. So overly dramatic. I know she's not really hurt. She just wants more attention and to go home to play on the iPad. I told Doodle that if she went home now she would lose the iPad for the entire day and wouldn't get it back until tomorrow. That if she wanted the iPad at home she would have to stay at school and work. Her Principal told her that she needed to get back to class cause there was a lot of work that she had to do today, Doodle chose to stay at school and work on the school iPad.

That's what I thought. And the school was short staffed of nurses today. There were only 3 today. Normally our school has 6. We have nurses that are LPN's and RN's. They take care of trac's and kids who are pickers. Those are the ones who pick holes in their skin like Doodle did 3 years ago. Every child at the school has some form of sever disability. And they need expert care.

And with that note, I'm out cause though I was thrown off track today I still have to worry about pictures and content for the magazine. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow. And all I really need is for Publix to open back up.

See you guys on the flip side!

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