Friday, September 8, 2017

Low Functioning Autism

Thursday we were off schedule. And as you know the old saying. When you've met one person with Autism, you've met one person with autism. Cause they are not all the same. Though a child can be high functioning, they can also have low functioning tendencies.

Well, on Thursday we were off schedule because I had to pick up Doodle's best friend from her school. Her mother forgot she had a project that had to be completed after school, so it took awhile to find her. During this time, Doodle was freaking out. Screeching, slapping herself and refused to speak words. Only wanted to speak in gibberish, baby talk. Now when Doodle was a baby she spoke a strange baby language and it was back to that type of baby language.

So that's what my afternoon and evening was like. It took so long for Doodle to even go to sleep with melatonin in her system. Last time that happened, Doodle regressed. So I've reached out to the school. I'm to write down my concerns and they are going to come up with a game plan to help me to be able to stop this behavior and get Doodle back on track. Things I can help her with at home.

I would have more of a discussion here today but it's Friday and I've been helping a friend out just about all day and have yet to get any of my work done. And I have my weekend work and Open House to deal with tomorrow and for that I'm not prepared. So it's a short one.

See you on the flip side.

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