Monday, December 18, 2017

Since the intruder incident Autism

I'm sure a lot of people are wondering what has happened since Doodle had let an intruder into the house. How could this have happened? Children are suppose to know better then to allow this to happen.

Since Doodle's last regression which put her back mentally to a 2 year old, things like this could happen not only to a special needs child but to regular functioning little's as well. This could happen to anyone at anytime.

So what has happened since? Well, our county school system held an autism training for parents, which I had signed up for the month before the incident in question happened. One thing that you have got to remember is that children on the spectrum have no fear and that was one thing that was not in the seminar. How do we deal with that one? Know your fears, know what you need to teach at home.

Doodle's school is out this week. That means that it's officially winter break and with winter break you are either going to have tons of t.v. time or you will have iPad time. Those things aren't so appealing to me for my child. I'm not raising a screen zombie. I'm raising a child that has to be taught something over a thousand times before she gets it. This is why picture schedules and social stories work so well. As I have mentioned on the last blog I have been following @theautismhelper on Instagram. There you can find lots of sheets that you can use to help your child to continue to learn while they are out on break.

So again, what has changed? I've become a bit more strict in my parenting. I'm also reinforcing good behavior, because her behavior has been a bit bad since her last regression and I have been just picking my battles. Sometimes when we are dealing with issues of autism we often forget to reinforce good behavior because we have some many other things going on.

I don't have a social story but I do have a picture with a snake crossed out on it and a cartoon picture of a house under that. Will it last long? No because now we are on break and I need to make sure that what the school was doing to teach her that we don't do snakes needs to be continued right now. I can contact Doodle's teacher and see if she can email me something. Or I can research it.

Before I went to the last even before our classroom closed down for the holiday's on Sunday Doodle yelled out that she wanted a corn snake. I yelled right back, NO! She did say she was sorry. So during the break I have to have things to keep her busy. Like severely busy. I guess it's time to take her Christmas shopping and let her buy something for me for Christmas. I mean I have hers all taken care of. There is not a single thing left to get for her. And they are all wrapped. So we can do that. And I can have her place it in Christmas bags. I don't have time this week to teach her how to wrap. I still have a computer to get online and to get my publishing program on it.

I still have a magazine to get out. So here we are. Two weeks after the incident and my friends still think it's freaking hilarious. Me on the other hand not so much. Doodle, she's dealing with a very strict mother and I've been reinforcing good behavior. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have to create a social story but that's copyrighted. So that's no help for me. Time for me to come up with my own way of doing things. Things that will help other parents in the same boat I find myself in.

On that note I've got lots of things to do. It's a busy week and my autism Facebook group, the admins and I are about to redo it so that parents will have better access to things that they want or need and have faster access to help when the admins and I are not available.

See you guys on the flip side.

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