Thursday, October 5, 2017

Something happened, Autism

So it's Thursday and today is the day the magazine is to go live. I'm not done with the magazine and I am going to be busy all day tomorrow so there will be no blog post so it has to go up today. I really feel stretched again. I should have been done with the magazine two days ago. But work needed a poster and I'm the graphic designer and artist of the store so it fell on my shoulders. The only problem is that they gave me less then 24 hours to get it together. All night Monday I worked on the image. On Tuesday the file in Photoshop became corrupt and wouldn't print. And I had to get the poster into work by at least noon.

I don't work well under stress but that is how it all boils down. Last minute for everything. So there I was sitting at the computer huffing under my breath that this 27.2 X 17.2 image wouldn't print. And I had to redo the whole thing all over again, from scratch at 8 in the morning. And that's when the school called. There was a bruise on Doodle's face. Now on Monday afternoon when she came home from school the bus driver informed me that Doodle had hit a child on the bus. The child went to a different school. Which didn't make sense, as the other school doesn't get picked up until after they drop Doodle off in the afternoons. Nothing seemed right about how exasperated the bus driver was and the whole situation, and Doodle having a fresh section of skin missing on her face. So I sent Doodle's teacher a message about it. Because it's best that her teacher be made aware. This is a safety issue and it really needs to be addressed. Yes, a safety issue for other children on the bus because hitting other kids just isn't cool in my book. Even if my child is being the aggressor. It's just not cool.

Doodle lost the iPad, which is her most favorite thing in the world. I got to ride the emotional roller coaster until it was bedtime all while trying to get my graphics together for the poster for work. When the poster was completed and drying in the car as I rushed into work. I was just sick to my stomach over this situation with the Doodle and the bus. She knows better not to hit anyone. And I have never personally seen her hit another child unless she was in full blown sensory over load. That's also when she tries to rip her skin off. Which I assumed had happened. Doodle is a self harmer. But only during sensory meltdowns.

After I left work my next stop was to the school. And I wanted to speak with the principal. I met with her and told her of my concerns. And she called in the vice principal who is in charge of the buses. When he came in he said he had become familiar with Doodle because of the phone issue on the bus. Wait, what??? The only thing he was made aware of was not about Doodle hitting another child but the bus drivers phone coming up missing and they believed it was either Doodle or another child on the bus. The other child in question was the one who Doodle hit. After my meeting with the principal I requested to see Doodle. When she came into the office, yep you could see a bruise on her cheek right under the mark on her face. Like I said in my last post, bruises take time to come up.

Well, this is becoming interesting. By the time Doodle got home that afternoon the bus driver was again flustered and asked me did I know what happened to Doodle's face. I told her no, that she got off the bus with that scratch. She then told me that I needed to ask Doodle, that she would tell me. Okay, that's the funniest thing I've heard my entire life. My kid mimics what she sees and it's usually a video on YouTube that she's seen thousands of times. The only time that she can honestly answer a question is if the question is How are you? And her automatic response is good, how are you. And she will answer yes on cake and ice cream. But hey I do too. I love a piece of cake twice a month.

I really don't understand how a child that doesn't understand questions can answer questions. I did ask and her responses were playing Mar Mar. And she also said ant bite. I had also been informed by Doodle about a child in class hitting the teacher. And last night which was Wednesday the vice principal called to let me know what all he had found out about the incident of hitting. I could care less about the phone at this point because the phone has nothing to do with me. It's not in my house, Doodle didn't take it, which I know my child. When my friends drop their phones she picks it up and hands it to them. She doesn't try to take off with it. She's pretty honest when it comes to it. Anyways, he informed me that Doodle got on the bus Monday morning with that scratch on her face. Um no, she didn't. She was perfectly fine and had no markings on her. Because she is on my watch and if she acts strange I am the first to try to identify the issue. So this is boiling down to a he said she said issue.

My problem is I can make sure my child is safe by taking her to school myself if she is having issues on the bus. And it will also make sure that other kids are safe as well if she's trying to be Mike Tyson again. I want the other kids to feel safe and I want Doodle to feel safe. So this is where I am at. If someone thinks they can slander my reputation on my child I will make sure someone looses her job, cause I don't play. When Doodle gets in trouble I get her right with what she loves the most. The stuffed animal or the iPad. Those are the two things that I will take away. That gets my point across the most and that's how she learns. I don't have to spank my child. Timeouts with objects she loves more then anything work way better.

And now that I've procrastinated enough I need to get back to work. I have 5 recipes to write down and two craft projects to finish up. And then the proofing of all the info and from there it gets put where it goes in the magazine. So back to work before a three day weekend from the neither world. This is not gonna be fun. If you are interested in the magazine you will be able to see it for free at This is where the magazine will be located. If it doesn't go live today, then it won't go live until Monday, my only day off.

See you guys on the flip side.

After I left work

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