Saturday, November 26, 2016

Here's the long over due update, Autism

As many of you will have noticed, since before school started I went MIA. I miss writing about our lives but it was for the best. Right now Doodle is in a new school, that is geared towards her disability. She is now under the care of a psychiatrist. And it was after I prayed and cried over it for three days.

Her school bus goes to the old school to pick up the kids that used to be in Doodle's class last year. Cause it's a special needs bus. Well two incidents happened on the school bus and the last incident was the last straw. Someone got on the bus from and at the old school to "help" one of the students and turned to talk to Doodle. Doodle flipped out started crying, hitting herself, punching herself in the face and just would not let up. By the time she was dropped off at the house she couldn't be calmed down until the next day which was Saturday. The Friday routine was a no go. And anyone who knows Doodle knows that she won't turn down an ice cream cone, which she did. She changed into her night gown and got into bed and refused to move until the next day.

I was livid! This is my child and for her to not stay on routine and scream and cry for the rest of the day and night was unacceptable. I called for an emergency IEP meeting and the new school took immediate action to protect their student. They got the school board involved without hesitation and the matter was resolved. But that didn't stop with the damage that had already been done. Doodle exhibits PTSD while at the school and it took two months to get her to work through having anxiety just from being on the school grounds in the school bus.

So I talked to a friend of mine, who I get the best advice from. She's principal level fired. She highly recommended a psychiatrist, the one in the same that got her principal level fired. Doodle has been seeing him for a month and I've been going to him for a little longer to fill him in on Doodle and what's been going on.

Next week I will know what all else needs to be done, because at this point our new doctor has been testing Doodle so that she can get back up to par and give the school tips and resources to help Doodle learn. So that's where we stand right now.

Another reason you guys have not heard from me is that I have been spending a lot of time at work. And when I wasn't at work I have been working on glow paintings. I created a challenge on JSN Creative's facebook page called the challenge accepted challenge. That's where you have two days to recreate artwork out of what people post to your wall. Along with that I have had two massive paintings that needed to be worked on and when they are finished they also will be done as glow in the dark paintings. So as you can see, I've been extremely busy with everything going on and writing has been furthest from my mind. Sorry, it's called life and it does happen.

You guys have a great day. Hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving.

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