Monday, July 23, 2018

Summer and school Autism

In just a little over a week school will start back up. I have almost everything I need for this new school year. And that is a first. This year I did not participate in the no tax weekend. I was working. Which should not be of any surprise to anyone. The deep cleaning of the bedroom started last week and I'm happy to get it done before school starts.

Those who have children on the spectrum know how hard it is to keep a clean house because of said child. They like to destroy so many things and in the blink of an eye. How can you destroy something so fast? That I don't understand. I've already cleaned out 5 bags of trash and still have more to go. Maybe two more bags of trash to go. All I know is I got through a huge amount of cleaning before I realized there was no more room in the big can outside and just shoved the rest under the bed until I could get to it again. Which will now be this week.

And how are you able to get all this done you might ask. Normally, the deep cleaning starts when school let's back in and I can do it without complaint while Doodle is there. She's with her father this week. I tried to get as much done in a week that I could considering that I'm working every single day for the next three weeks, except for Sunday. But I work another job on the weekends so I get no days off, plus the magazine. When her father said he couldn't get the doctor's appointment done for Doodle I said well, keep her for another week and that will give me time to get the room done before she comes home. I hope he remembers that I absolutely have to have all the paperwork from her doctor for school. Or Doodle won't be able to have her breathing treatment in the event she has an asthma attack.

The magazine is coming along. I've gotten word that corporate is coming while I'm in the store this week. That should be interesting. I plan on wearing my new shoes that will be featured in the magazine for August. Everything is trucking along and I actually feel like I'm getting a bit of a break. It's actually kind of nice. I'm enjoying the peace but I still worry about Doodle. But this week is the big push to get the magazine done. The magazine has to be ready to go on the 26th. I'm actually having a lot of fun creating it. It's been a bit since I've really focused on my publishing company and I love it. Well, time to get back to work because tonight I get to work. We are decorating cupcakes. People normally walk through the door to do the cupcake classes but don't bring the naked cupcakes. I have plenty to share because that's what this world is about. Sharing and giving. Loving and rejoicing. That's how you get through the autism world. Sharing your knowledge, giving yourself to your child so they can learn, loving them no matter what. Loving them through the good and the bad and rejoicing for the progress.

See you guys on the flip side.

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