Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Summer Break Autism

Out of respect for the Holiday of Memorial Day here in the States I opted not to share the post yesterday. It was a time of remembrance for those of us that have lost loved ones in the service. Thank you to those who have gave the ultimate for your country.

It's the last day of school and everything is bitter sweet for me. I'm sad that I won't be able to see the normal faces that I normally see every weekday. Doodle is not eligible for summer help anymore. She hasn't been able to receive that since before pre-k age.

This morning I waved the bus off on it's last journey until they will be rolling again in the fall. This year I wasn't going to chase the bus down because I forget to get the harness off Doodle before the bus moves from my street, heading to it's next destination.

So today has been a cooking day for me and I've been prepping and cooking since the bus picked up this morning. I've also been checking my largest resin art piece. And that did not do so hot at all. But though this now has a lot of mistakes in it for the resin cracking, I can still work with it and embrace it. Flaws and all. I've been trying to stay as busy as I can all day today. I'll admit it, I teared up this morning as the bus pulled away.

And since today is the last day of school I had already made sure that I had a package of summer fun for Doodle for when she got home from school. Which is going to be earlier then normal because I'm picking her up today from school. I like having the opportunity to tell everyone good bye and that I too will miss them just as much as Doodle will.

And Doodle ran up to every single person that she knows at the school, hugged them and told them good bye. I know she loves the teachers there at our school and the kids, well she's making friends that won't treat her like she's got something wrong because they all have something wrong with them. So they all understand!

I'm blessed for Doodle to be at this school and I'm blessed that we have teachers that don't want to be babysitters but want to teach. They are very protective of all the kids at the school and that's the most important thing to me.

When Doodle came home from her early dismissal I went ahead and gave her, her summer package. A box of markers, a miniature bubble machine along with bubbles, Crayola clay and a drawing pad. There is an outdoor game but that will be when she is outside playing and I can play with her.

Well on that note I will see you guys on the flip side. I'm working on the magazine, still cooking and I have to get ready for my class tonight.

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