Monday, May 14, 2018

Everything in stages, Autism

Monday I wrote to you about cheating at parenting so that you can give more to your child. Maybe I forgot my best know secret for that but it has been touched on in past blogs. But today we are going to be tackling a more serious subject of autism. And that would be the milestones.

In some cases there seem to be instances of milestones or stages as they are often referred too. Doodle used to seriously love vegetables and enjoyed them when she was a lot younger. Today you put those bad boys in front of her she's like nope, nope and NOPE!

This week has been a weird one. And I notice that there is some sort of light shining through. Doodle has been messing with the schedule clock I made her. She hates schedules now with a passion. A picture schedule was the easiest way to keep her on track but since she rejects it now it's a little harder for her to keep herself on track. But I do keep up with the time and what I know the schedule should be.

Wednesday after dinner at Dairy Queen we came home I was packing her snack and starting the coffee maker to go off for 6 am the next morning, Doodle got into the bath tub. She was not told to do this, she was not asked to do this. She just did it. She didn't ask for the iPad, she just went and took a bath. I realized what was going on when I heard the water heater running and went to check on her. She was in the tub and she was trying to get her bath out of the way. I told her I was proud of her and let her do her thing.

After her bath she took her melatonin and crawled into bed turned on her night lights and sound machine and that was it. She was ready for bed. All before 8 pm that night. I was curious, proud and wasn't about to question a thing.

Last year during the school shopping season I met another autism mom. She recognized the behaviors in Doodle as autism. Doodle was covering her ears and beginning the first installments of a meltdown. I hate taking Doodle out in a massive shop haul where everyone is trying to experience the same thing. AKA the no tax sale. So it was a bit of a nightmare. I prefer to do the whole pay a bit extra for what we need because of the hassle with autism is just too much. Her daughter did the exact same things when she was Doodle's age. She reassured me that it was a phase and that Doodle would grow out of the holding her ears. That she felt a lot of things were stages when it came to her child and growing out of the phrases (though later then A typical children) seemed to be a norm in her life.

I happen to agree with the phase thing. Because our life is about going into phases and moving out of phases. Happens every couple of years but yeah, it's phases like the moon but we have phases.

Now being responsible is... I have no clue what phase this would be. I'm not sure when a child would be responsible. Maybe 8 or 10 years old. Every child is different so it's really hard to judge on this particular time frame for a kid.

Later in the week Doodle who has refused to eat any type of fry with ketchup (used to be one of her favorite things to eat on her fries) actually started eating fries with ketchup. Wasn't sure if it was a fluke or not but she did that again on Mothers day when we went out to dinner. I'm at a loss for words on this one but I'm hoping that we have transitioned out of the phase where the food has to be thrown away if a speck of ketchup touches any part of her food.

Milestones no matter how big our small I will take. We celebrate them in all their glory. Right now I'm seriously one proud mother.

See you guys on the flip side.

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