Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Face the fear, Autism

As a parent of a child on the spectrum there are a lot of fears that you have to face. The biggest of those would be a regression. It's one of the biggest fears that we face almost every day. I don't have to worry about that anymore, being that Doodle is going to a fantastic school. So much therapy every single moment of the day. And they work the kids so hard on their school work and therapy. There is no such thing as I can't at this school. They strive to prove every single day that you can! And that's one of the many reasons why I love this school. But what fear am I talking about if my child won't be having a regression?

We all know that fall is on it's way. And with fall comes my favorite part of the season. Halloween! I love this time of the year. The weather is perfect. I only have to worry about a few asthma related issues with Doodle. And we can have a lot of fun this time of the year. But here comes that fear thing again. With Halloween comes the spiders. It's just a part of the season.

At first I wasn't sure what I would be writing about for today. I spent the day in the country with one of my besties. She has chickens and her nickname at work is chicken lady. We spent the day walking around her property and planning our fall wardrobe and all the fall crafts we will be working on. I got home in just enough time to get Doodle from the bus and start my first fall project. It's going to be a huge project that will be featured in my magazine. I'm an artist and with art there comes huge responsibilities of all the different levels of art and that includes resin art. This piece will be that piece. I have smaller pieces that are realistic looking in resin and this one will be tackling Koi fish. That's how large the piece is. 

While I worked on this piece Doodle played in the front yard, where I could keep an eye on her. When it was time to come in, Doodle had something hidden under her shirt. It was the container where she likes to catch bugs. So I had to ask her, what did you get? Her response, "Spiders." Okay, first off, I'm not afraid of spiders and that's where Doodle gets her bravery for them as well. I asked her if I could see the spiders, and she pulled the container out from under her shirt. She removed the top and that was the largest spider I had ever laid eyes on in my life! The thing was bigger than my fist. 

"Oh, no sweetheart. He needs to live outside. Let's set him free. He's too big to go inside." She threw him out of the container and that's when I heard the thunk of the spider landing on the ground. It sounded like a child Doodle's size jumping on the ground. It was kind of surprising. Now, again, I'm not afraid of spiders but that might change if something that big crawled on my face in the middle of the night, waking me from sleep. I'm also pretty sure that I would end up in cardiac arrest at that point. 

Yesterday was a busy day for me as well, helping a dear friend clean out some of her kids things. She went to her storage area and all I heard was a commotion.  I had no clue what was going on but it sounded like she was in a struggle with someone. And then the dry heaving could be heard from the direction she was at. I peeked around the corner and she's just about on the verge of throwing up. It was kind of funny. She's flailing her arms and almost puking. "What on earth is wrong with you?" 

"Charlotte, ambushed me. I sucked in part of her web. It went down my throat." At this point I can't contain the laughter. I was literally falling to the ground cause it was so funny. "I felt the web against my lip. I opened up my mouth and it just landed on my tongue and it slid to the back of my throat. I don't know what she wrote but it's gonna take her a bit to write more," she continued. I'm crying tears by now. "You are not a good friend. You should have helped me." I had left my spider web comb at home, so I was pretty much useless to her. I did get the racing bed out of the shed for her though. So there was that.

And of course the last time Doodle had spiders that were almost as big as the one she brought up today. Well, that has a pretty good story as well. And it's one that I just love to think about when I need a good pick me up. Doodle had just gotten off the bus last year. She got to see one of her favorite people. One of my friends who I call Batman. Now this is a young woman that I worked with at the craft store. She's pretty cool but terrified of spiders. Like even my fake spiders she steers far away from. Well, Doodle had disappeared for a bit and I called her over to say bye to Batman cause she was getting ready to leave.

Doodle came running up with both her hands clasped together. Batman and I looked at Doodle with curiosity. "What have you got?" I asked her. "Spiders." And that's when Batman's eyes got big. "Let momma see." Doodle opened her hands and there was a pile of spiders in her hands crawling out. "Let them go." As I was saying that I heard a loud rustling and slamming from behind me. I turned and noticed Batman had jumped in her truck and was proceeding to role up the windows. And then came the funniest part of all of this. Batman locked her door. I'm standing there like why would you lock the door? Are the spiders just gonna open the door to get to you??? And without missing a beat Batman begins having a conversation, just as if she were outside the vehicle. But there she sits, talking behind the window. Spiders cause a lot of laughter from me, yeah, there's nothing scary about them to me. They are like little comedians and they don't even try that hard.

See you guys on the flip side and have a great night, day, morning.

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