Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Learning something new, Autism

If you guys have not utilized the opportunity at Michaels Craft Store during the summer, you're missing out on some valuable Occupational Therapy. And you are also missing out on a great opportunity for your kids to learn something new. Look, I know that we are all tired when we drag our kids to outside services and we can't rely on just school services alone.

On Wednesday, Michaels Craft Store had two crafts for the kids to make. And it was a puppy dog when you pulled on the dogs tongue his ears would move. The other is a game that I just adored and it was a perfect game for Doodle and I to play together. I called it tic tac fish, but in reality it was tic tac toe. These projects were done at all Michaels Craft Stores across the nation.

Doodle has never really played tic tac toe. But she does love herself some fish and therefore it made it the perfect opportunity to play together. I only let her win the first four games. After that I helped guide her through 6 games. By the end of it all she was giving me a run for her money. She was laughing and trying to cheat by putting all her fish on the board at once.

I had never even known about Michaels Craft Stores even offering summer crafting before I started working there. And it's very rare that we go in on Saturday for the kids craft days, unless it's fish related. And since she is getting into the new and old Ghostbusters for Halloween it will be a perfect opportunity to create a tic tac toe house and make ghosts for the playing pieces.

I love the opportunity when it arises to teach my daughter something new, considering the past school year has been really rough and the only time that she did any school work was homework that I highly insisted on coming home. (Yes, the teacher got in a lot of trouble at the IEP meeting when it was mentioned that homework was not coming home.) Yeah, I'm the bad parent because my child has rights and I will not have them violated.

Doodle has only 4 more weeks before school starts and I am almost prepared. Just need to get under garments, socks, shoes, (I'm going back to sketchers, they last longer with her) a few more shorts and lots of pants. Because we all know that some uniforms will need to left at the school.

I hope that you guys are keeping up with your list of everything that needs to be addressed at the beginning of the school year IEP. If you don't schedule an IEP meeting at the beginning of the school then you aren't switching to a new school or are happy with the state of your childs' school. When there is a change such as school or teacher I call for an IEP meeting. If there are things that have come up during the summer and your child doesn't have summer school then the first day make sure that you are writing up a letter calling for an IEP meeting, to be sent with your child the first day of school. I will address this matter in a later blog post for those who don't know how to do this.

You guys have a great day.

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