So during the week, Doodle had a horrible sensory moment. Why do I call it a sensory moment? Because sometimes things happen in our life and when we look back on it, it's just a drop in the bucket in our life. Yes, Doodle does have a lot of days where sensory overloads happen. It can't be avoided in our lives. Some stores we just can't shop at because of the lighting. And well Publix is turning into one of those stores. For Doodle, lighting has always been her sensory issue. The lighting has to stay consistent. If it can't be consistent then it just leads to all sorts of problems for her and for me as her mother and care giver.
When we walked into the store it was fine until we left the vestibule area. That's when she clamped onto me, closed her eyes and covered her face. I was basically dragging her through the grocery store. In the flower department it was pretty dim. No lighting on at all and it was only 4:00 in the afternoon. The produce section was pretty dim as well, but the shelves where the main produce was held, well, that had it's lights on. You know the section that sprays the produce when the thunder sound is made. So it was a bit confusing to her.
Let me tell you about this awesome invention that saved me my sanity in Publix. It's known in my circles as the Caroline Cart and it was made for parents with children with Special Needs. Those who can and can't walk. For those with children on the spectrum that like to run off when you turn to look at a product for a split second, this is the cart for you, as you can buckle your child in for their safety.
Look I can't drag my kid around a store, it kills my back when she is immobile from sensory issues that cause her to freeze up. She sat in the Caroline Cart and kept her eyes closed. But I was able to get everything on my mental list that I needed. Most of the time when an issue like this arises I can only managed to get two items and then leave. I don't want my child to be uncomfortable. It makes me more uncomfortable when she is in distress.
I will admit that I did get a lot of stares because here I am a mom pushing my 10 year old that looks perfectly normal in a Caroline Cart. And yes, under normal circumstances I will gladly leave the Caroline Cart for someone who needs it, just like I can get a handicapped placard but since she can walk with no issues I'm not going to even think about getting a handicapped space because someone else that really needs it can use it. I could care less about the looks. No my child is not lazy. Yes, I was saving my sanity because once she locks up it's only a matter of time before the meltdown ensues.
You guys have a great day.
Heart melting and touching write up.
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