Yeah, you read that title correctly. Life IS good with Autism on the good days and well today is one of those good days. I prefer these days a lot more. Of course when Doodle was at the school with the fantastic teacher, I had way more good days then bad days. The bad days were so very rare. Last school year I had more bad days then good days and of course my summer was not so much fun. But this year she is back on track and I am loving it.
She's doing so well in the two weeks since school has started, people are taking notice. Here I am able to take Doodle out to stores again and I am loving it!
As I have posted about in past blogs Doodle has a product line I'm working on. Had to go to the Health food store to stock up on some supplies. I only do the best ingredients for Doodle's line because I've always used the best ingredients for her. To me it's about quality and if it doesn't work well, it's not for Doodle.
We were getting ready to leave and Doodle brought me four bolts that she found on the floor. I promptly handed them over to the cashier. He looked over at where Doodle had been and said, "Oh they were just chilling over there." I replied with, "she has autism. She finds everything!" He looked at her and then looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. "Seriously?"
Sometimes I get that response but it's been a long time since I've gotten that response. So, you can imagine that it was good to hear it again. "Yep, and she wants to be a doctor, too." He grew the biggest grin on his face. He was very happy to hear that. "She's going to make it," he replied. "She's going to be the best doctor!"
It was the best compliment I've gotten. People are excited when they meet a child on the spectrum who doesn't always show the typical signs of autism. Yeah, it disrupts their day and of course ours as well. When Doodle was diagnosed with autism, she was diagnosed with mild autism. Last year even though at the beginning to middle of the school year with a regression she was labeled as high functioning. She has autism and she has some challenges but I'm thankful she's no longer the wild child that she used to be. I've had a lot of help with her. A good teacher will always teach the parent and that's the type of teacher you want.
And on a different note it's time to update you on Doodle's progress with her learning to ride a bike. That didn't go over so well and thankfully her Godfather had already bought her training wheels for adults. They work perfectly on her bike.
Her first day riding with these new wheels she was so happy. I asked her how she felt about riding a big girl bike. She placed her hand up to her mouth and yelled out Booo! That's a typical Doodle response. She understood what I was saying and she let it be known how she felt.
Later around the corner I could hear her verbally stimming. I looked over at her and she had such large smile on her face. Now we are at a point with her riding her bike, she goes around the block twice and no longer just once. I'm pretty proud of her. She's growing up so fast and every moment is precious.
You guys have a great day.
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