Monday, August 17, 2015

A glimpse through my eyes, Autism

I wrote this over the summer and forgot to post it. Today, Sunday, another storm has rolled in and I'm on the hunt for fabric to redo Doodle's sensory swing as the other one stretched too far and has started ripping apart. I can't show you guys how to create your own swing if it turns into something you have to keep replacing after 3 months. Tutorials like that make me want to pull my hair out. If I'm going to do a tutorial on something for our children that help us save money, darn it, it's going to save us all money!

On with the blog that was forgotten.

Yeah, I know I put Autism in all my post headings. It's just a force of habit for me. She's a person but Doodle also has autism. Some days are more bearable then others.

Right now I'm writing this post in the dark. The only light source is from my computer screen and a dim glow from the television. It's about 2:30 in the afternoon and a storm is rolling in. I will admit I'm a little tired today. We have 2 dogs and one fought me hard on getting a bath. The other tried but she didn't succeed.

So here I am writing this post in the dark, because, well Doodle wanted the room dark. If that's what her sensory can handle right now then that's what it will be. The thunder is rumbling in the distance and it's trying to rain. Other then that I'm tired. It's been an exhausting week for me and getting work done and trying to keep up with Doodle. I will admit it, I'm ready for school to start back.

At least she and I got an art project done. I have a memory with her to cherish. And yes Doodle is awesome when it comes to art but with paints not so much. I'm still waiting on a few leaves to dry and this project was a few days ago.

I had just had an incident with Doodle where she was biting and slapping me. But in all honesty I started that. She wanted the iPad and it's my job as her mother to teach her even on summer hiatus from school, to share. She reached for the iPad and I pretended that I was going to bite her hand. And that's how it started. It was my fault. What is playful can get out of hand and pretty quickly. But for me I don't have the round about knock out's that some parents raising the spectrum have. All I had to say was I was going to take her to her Uncle Jason's house and that stopped that in it tracks.

Some nights are just awful to deal with as Doodle won't go to sleep on her own. Nothing like being woken in the middle of the night with someone playing with your feet. I really don't like that feeling at 2 or 3 in the morning. I have to show her through the window that it's still dark outside and dark outside means that it's still night night time. That normally will have her lay down and go back to bed.

And then there are the days the child has so much energy that it exhausts me. I feel as though I have run a marathon but haven't gone anywhere. Those are the days I don't like the most. I'm exhausted at the end of the day but the good news is another day is a new day. Time to start fresh.

My child is not bad. Her disability is not the worst thing in the world. I've heard of parents who got their diagnoses and wept. I was not one of those parents. Look on the bright side. With a diagnoses you will know how to treat them. We find the therapists and the doctors that will know how to treat our children. It's not rocket science. Keep it simple and everything will fall into place.

You guys have a great day.

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