Sunday, December 28, 2014

Anticipation with Autism - Yeah that really happened

There are many days you will see break through and days you won't. The days with the break through are the ones where you want to throw and instant party. Dancing in the streets excitement. One of Doodle's most hated places to be is the library. Why doesn't she like library's? It's a sensory thing. The lighting usually gets to her. There are some sections in a library that are dimly lit and those are the ones that usually put her in sensory overload where she just freezes up, forgets to stay focused and acts like the wild child.

Me, I love the library. It's like a second home to me. All the knowledge and information that can be found on shelves throughout this wondrous place is awe inspiring to me. It's true the saying of all the places you can go! So it seems logical that the main place that Doodle needed to learn to handle her autism is at the public library.

I try to take her to the library at least once a month. It's off the regular schedule. But then again so is a school holiday so we really can't do a weekend schedule. The front foyer of the library is the one and only place that is dimly lit. So it's one of those sections I try to rush through as quickly as possible since we stand there the longest when we get ready to leave.

After a quick 30 minute search through the library for new books that beg to be read, it was time to leave. And the long wait to be checked out began. Luckily for me there was no one in front of us. The problem for me was Doodle wanted to kick off and start running around using her outside voice. Yep, the wild child had returned and it was going to be a short visit as far as I was concerned.

I promptly called her by name and said, "You need to come stand beside mommy and wait patiently like the good girl that you are." She happily skipped up to me and looked right at my face and replied, "With anticipation?" This put me over the moon. It's one of the mile stones I have been waiting for. Never knew I was waiting for it and it's a progression in her autism that I can dance in the street for. How wonderful of her to use that big of a word for such a small little girl and only in the third grade!

Embrace the happy moments in your life. Sometimes that seem so small in comparison but to other parents who have children on the spectrum it's a biggy!

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