Monday, April 30, 2018

We made it Autism

We made it through Autism Awareness month, barely. For me the month of April is the most trying month. And I came through this month skidding in sideways; hair disheveled and barely hanging on. But that's the way that I live my life. I'm going to have a good time no matter what.

Doodle may have autism but autism doesn't define who she is. And most parents act like Autism awareness month is the greatest thing and others act like it's a curse. Just like the old saying of what is your cup filled to? Is your cup half empty or is it half full? It's all in how you approach your life. Doodle will always have autism. No matter how much therapy she has at the school. Embrace it like its a freckle cause this life, every part of it is just a drop in the bucket.

So why did I skid in sideways? Well, it's my birth month, Special Olympics, new cutting machine I needed to learn and Open House. And Open House always means showcase pieces and those take time to make. So I have to make sure I have everything for Open House that should be seen. If people can see what they can be taught step by step they are more incline to take classes. I'm not in the store as much as you would think I am. I have so many projects that have to be done and ready for so many other things that I barely have time to remember to breathe. And Doodle is acting like a little pest by not wanting to ride the bus anymore to school or home from school.

I am working with the school to get the issue resolved. Open House was good. Training is still being done for the new instructor. I still have a lot on my plate. But the good news is I've been asked to be a part of a fashion show galla and feature my artwork. I'm a little on the fence about it. I need to see how many art pieces I can come up with for September and I have a lot of other projects on my table.

So now that this is the last day of April you guys know that school is gonna be out next month, right? So what are your plans for your kids that don't have summer program options and you never manage to remember to sign up for special needs summer camp?

I have to work so there is no dropping off at special needs summer camp. But I do have a plan. We are going to be outside watching movies. I have a projector that was given to me a couple of weeks ago. I have my office area to clean up. Lots of printers are headed off to the thrift store cause I just don't have any room for them. And I have been following a lot of teachers on Instagram who teach special education. I'm putting together work sheets that Doodle will be working on. And of course we will be at my best friends' house enjoying his swimming pool. Cause it's the summer! Got to have some fun.

I have a lot of projects that are either going to be in the magazine or in the blog. Haven't decided yet. Everything is just so jumbled right now. I should have some idea by the end of the week. But the most important thing is today I have to register Doodle for school for next year. Cause that was something I forgot to do for April.

See you guys on the flip side.

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