Friday, October 20, 2017

She had pox, Autism

Monday was one of those days where you just look at your life and think, well, that's interesting. And that's the way I felt when Doodle got off the bus. Covered in spots. Telling me she was sick. I'm thinking she was ready to not go back to school the next day. But as I approached the door of the bus, her saying, "Momma, I sick!" I just stood there and stared at her for a moment.  Taking in the whole image of what I was seeing. Both her arms and hands covered in dots. Red and black dots.

I wanted to laugh but the mother in me knew better. I have to be a bit strict. I have to stand firm because I've let a few things slide and picture day was fast approaching. "You aren't sick. You did that to yourself."

That's when the bus driver informed me that Doodle kept saying it was skittles. I standing there thinking she made those dots with skittles? I'm impressed. Nope, it was marker. Doodle was telling everyone that she had skittles box.

That's it's the child has too much time on her hands at school. All of her teachers, cause she has three this year, say that they make sure that she has plenty of work that she has to do. They keep her busy or else she will go wild in class and start messing with everything. And coloring and drawing on everything. Yeah, that sounds about right. I made Doodle head straight inside and wash her skittle pox off.

Tuesday I headed into work and bought a few more items for Halloween day. Yeah, I know I'm super early on class gift bags but I would rather be early then late to the party. And that's what happened last year. It's about remembering that I won't be sent a message home that I need to send treats to school. That other parents will send them and the kids will have a good time. And since Michaels was having a 50% off all Halloween goodies I stocked up. I got two bags full for under $20.00. My employee discount really helped out though! And just like that I realized that I needed to buy some classroom crafts. Cause my child has way too much time on her hands.

Banners and bookmark crafts. And just for the heck of it, pipe cleaners and pom poms and googly eyes. Cause hey, you never know when you need a good pipe cleaner craft.

The good news is that she didn't come home with any other illnesses until Thursday. She was turning into a zombie that day. And I'm hoping pictures had already been taken when she markered herself up again for the second time this week. If not the pictures will be really interesting.

We had a really bad sensory meltdown that afternoon. Took a bit longer to get her to calm down but I was able to shop through Publix without any incidences. Her hearing sensory is getting worse. That I'm noticing. It's something that we are going to have to work through, little by little. But we will get there. Everything in her life has to be taught. But I'm patient enough to work with her. Heck, Rome wasn't build in a day.

Great news is I finally got the magazine finished. Bad news is when I sent it over to my computer guy to get it put on the site he said I needed to have an over haul of my website. Duh, I've needed that for awhile. I picked new templates and everything but couldn't figure out how to activate them myself. So the website is still left in the "stone ages" for right now.

And on that note, because there is still so much to be done. I'll see you on the flip side.

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