Friday, September 15, 2017

Almost forgot about today, Autism

It's been a long week. Yes, you didn't hear from me on Wednesday. Like I said, it's been a long week. Doodle's behavior has been off and I've heard from the school nurse 3 times this week. I might have to take her to get a frosted coffee, cause we are almost on BFF terms at this point.

So some of the notes coming home shows that Doodle is being a bit defiant. She's loosing points in some of her classes. Refusing to participate. Slapping a student. Behavior preventing her from doing math class. I couldn't figure out what on earth was going on. Until the very last call from the school RN. Doodle got kicked by one of the kids in class. And this is what happened. There is a child that is lower functioning in the classroom. He was trying to take his seat and just kicked Doodle. I asked if they knew why the kid had kicked her and that's when I found out it was another child with autism and he was lower functioning then Doodle.

And that made me think about the other school 3 years ago. In that school (with the bad teacher) there was a lower functioning child with autism. And Doodle mimicked all of this kids mannerisms. The severe stemming, flapping and slapping himself. Things Doodle has never really done. Well, she's done it just so fast that if you blink you would miss it. And it was extremely rare she would do these stems. But the boy in that class had a problem. He liked to hit people. The whole class that year was wild. All the kids hit one another. Of course Doodle did take it to the extreme and went after the adults that were hitting and man handling her. But the worst incident was one day Doodle had just had enough and beat the snot out of the kid.

So I text her teacher and told her about that incident and made her aware that Doodle does have a temper like her daddy and she will go after the kid. Just so she was aware of the situation that can transpire possibly in the future. So now I know why Doodle is off on her behavior. It does make sense. I just have to keep her focused and keep her on task.

Once we get this all done and settled everything should go back to normal.

Now that this is out of the way on keeping you aware of what's going on with Doodle it's time we discuss the blog. For right now I'm just going to post once a week until further notice. My work schedule is increasing greatly especially with the magazine and all the crafts and foods that have to be done. That's a lot of cooking and a lot of pictures that are taking place. So as of right now I will be posting on Friday's only. Friday's will be better for me as I can jot down what I want to discuss regarding our lives throughout the week and I can focus more time on all the work that I have to do.

Sorry it has to be this way. I'm hoping it's for a short time. This magazine has been a dream of mine for so long and it's time it got off on at least a fair track.

See you guys on the flip side next Friday.

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