** Update on the whole situation from Monday's post: After I posted the blog Doodle attacked another student and the teacher. She was punching another classmate screaming, "no dad, no dad, no dad!" One thing that is obvious of the attack on classmates is that they are all boys that she went after. **
Well, on Saturday I was quiet aware that Doodle had yet another school project due this Tuesday and this one was dealing with a gorgeous gobbler. The kids make a turkey and turn it into the school. The party last Friday wasn't a big hit. I spent a lot of money on it and only one parent turned in their $5.00. But that wasn't the kick in the pants. Some parents showed up and complained that the class didn't have a roasted chicken or pizza at a Halloween/Fall party. Get real people. These type parties are for candy and I didn't even give the kids but three pieces of candy each but they did get lots of toys. And the kids got cupcakes. There are only 14 kids in the class but I wanted to make sure that the kids got what they wanted. If they wanted 2 cupcakes they could have it in the flavor they liked. 15 chocolate and 15 vanilla along with chips, cookies and plenty of drinks (no soda's).
I think this started off my bad weekend, was that party. For the next party Doodle won't be there at the school so I don't even need to worry about it, but I was planning to just pick up two hot and ready pizza's and that be it. That would be my $5.00 and the other parent's $5.00. I wouldn't be no where near out this time around. But I wanted the kids to be happy considering I can't stand for my kid to come home with tons of candy. And I did know that if all the parents paid their $5.00 I still wouldn't get back all my money and I was fine with that.
Any ways, yesterday the kids for Doodle's grade turned in what the school calls gorgeous gobblers. Doodle's teacher was all excited about Doodle doing this project. I, on the other hand am not thrilled over the pumpkin story book project and didn't feel like doing the gobbler. Luckily for me I work at a fantastic store! And going through the isles before I left work on Saturday, they had already been placing out the Thanksgiving stuff. I picked up a small craft pumpkin in a bin and a cute little 5 minute craft for a pumpkin table display.
All I had to do was glue the sticks to the holes and Doodle could do the rest. Which is what she did. It came out great! I barely did anything. Fastest project I've ever had to deal with and I still look like mother of the year material. Though I'm not quiet sure what to do about Doodle and her new aggression.
But this is what I have leaved from a dear friend of mine who is a nurse. I need to get Doodle's autism reevaluated and then get her on medication. I'm not a big fan of medication as bad behavior can be corrected with positive and negative re-enforcement.
Monday, Doodle lost iPad privileges for the night. She also had to spend a good portion of her time at home in her room under my watchful eye. After that we headed to my work to get some art supplies. Drawing is sometimes Doodle's coping mechanism. I let her draw and paint for an hour possibly less while I worked on my calligraphy. As the fine arts instructor at Michaels craft store it's something that I'm suppose to be able to do. I've always wanted to learn it and now I'm getting my chance. I'm loving this awesome opportunity.
So now that you are all caught up as myself and the school prepare for an emergency iep review to deal with this new situation that Doodle has found herself in. I'm spending the rest of the day scoping out special schools geared towards Doodle's autism. Friday's blog will deal with an issue that cropped up Tuesday night regarding an iep that took place last year. This one is going to be interesting! Have a great day!
This is the finished product
the "two supplies" needed for the gorgeous gobbler. $6.99 for the little decorative pumpkin and $5.99 for the kit
I glued the tooth picks into the holes so they would hold up longer.
And Doodle put it all together how she wanted it to be.
Done. Now I'm mother of the year for helping my child with her gorgeous gobbler and basically Michaels Craft store supplied me with what I needed.
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