Friday, October 23, 2015

I'm furious Autism

Yep, just like the blog says I'm furious! This blog was suppose to be about doughnuts that Doodle and I work on together for the approaching Halloween festivities. But no I've got to get all angry! One of my friends is being put in a situation that really could be avoided. But yet what could it be that would effect me so much? Well, it not only effects me but it also effects Doodle. Her health and her safety. I'm as mad as a wet hen. But here's a not so funny joke for you and only people that really know me will get the joke.

The cemetery called today. My grandparents are rolling in their graves!

**Warning, foul language ahead**

So this woman moves into my grandparents old house. She's a room mate and she brings with her, her special needs son. Not a problem to me. Doodle's best friend has almost the exact same condition, wheel chair bound too. But the difference between my best friends son and this woman is parenting style. My best friend puts her son first. He is top priority no matter what. Just like I do with Doodle. My best friend is a Rock Star Mom! She makes sure that her son can do for himself except when it comes to changing his diapers cause he can't control that. She makes sure he stays clean. She makes sure that he gets exercise and is not always in bed or in his wheel chair. She picks him up to put him in his chairs or wheel chair or in bed. Never does my friends son ever get bed sores or smell bad. She's the best mother in the world. I love my best friend.

My grandmother for over 65 years took care of a son just like that. My uncle was a grown baby. Couldn't do for himself at all. And my grand parents always made sure that my uncle was taken care of. When she hung the laundry outside, my uncle was outside with her. She feed him, she cleaned him. Never once did my uncle ever get bed sores. Even up to the he passed to be with The Lord, he did not have a single bed sore on him or even filthy, not once!

Doodle can walk, Doodle has no medical issues other then autism and asthma. I, like my best friend strive to do what's best for our special needs children and not taking no for an answer.

Heck I even have another best friend who had a sister just like the best friend I just wrote about. His mother never let her daughter have bed sores or smell bad. Always had her busy with something and moving around. What do all three of these women have that one parent can't grasp. That would more then likely be common sense.

Here comes the language. If it this is not your cup of tea, exit now. And before I get nasty comments, but your a Christian. I am of the flesh and foul language to me when I get mad enough is my version of the whip in Jesus' hand at the temple. I will ask for forgiveness when I am truly repentant of it. I know how this works.

This new room mate is the type of woman that I see when the news pops up of neglectful parents getting arrested for such deplorable living conditions and their kids are either rescued or they have died. To me it's called shitty parenting. Yep I'm going there on my unicorn who farts rainbows. Plain and simple it's shitty parenting. This woman's son has not left his hospital bed since she moved in next door. She told me in confidence that he has bed sores. And her excuse of not getting him out of bed is due to the fact that he doesn't have his 5 thousand pound wheel chair because it was left at her previous place that she got evicted from because of her husband that she is split from wouldn't pay the rent. Shocker she has drama. My question is if she is collecting a check for her sons disability why wasn't that going towards the rent? I know she's broke and has no money right now, but seriously. Get your priorities straight!

Life is hard I get it for some. My life isn't all roses but you can be damned sure that Doodle would never be left in a situation like that. And by situation like that. The woman is freaking nasty. Leaves her kid all day in bed. Doesn't try to move him. Doesn't change his diaper. He can't help it that he can't change himself. It's our job as parents to take care of our kids if they are that way.

Today with my encounter with her she just wanted to sleep. She's home and her son tells me that he's hungry. I tell her and she goes back to sleep. It's 8:30 in the flipping morning! If you have a kid that's suppose to be in school and you aren't working nights at a JOB you have no right to sleep all day if your kid is at home, needs his diaper changed and is saying he's hungry, he's 16 by the way. I was there to babysit a toddler not babysit for a special needs child whose momma is at home. She got attitude with me and since I wasn't making any head way with her I called my mother over hoping that maybe she could get the flipping nutter up.

I was right. Having my mother come over got the woman up. I seriously doubt that she took care of her son, because every time I see the woman she's outside smoking cigarette's and playing on her phone, or she's sleeping. And that right there my friends is the whole reason I don't carry a phone. I hate the darn things. It takes my attention away from Doodle. If I have my head buried in a phone my kid could wander off. It only takes a split second to lose Doodle. Believe me I've lost her in stores plenty of times just shopping for groceries until I asked her fantastic teacher how she was able to take Doodle and the entire class shopping and not have any issues for their field trips. The secret was the wanderers were placed in the buggy to ride. Grant it Doodle is getting far too big for sitting in the buggy but darn it, I will still put her in one to this day! There is a great invention to a buggy out right now that I can't wait for more stores to get and use called the Caroline's cart. It's made for parents of special needs children. I can only find those at Publix right now in my area. If more stores get them I wouldn't dread shopping with Doodle so much.

Back on subject. Of course this woman cussed my mother out and that was it for me. I took the toddler to my house cause I was done. Hell, the pee smell that can be smelled even outside in the yard was just too freaking much for me. And this is why I call people like that woman shitty parents. She made up every excuse as to why it was okay for her son to stink and for her not to make sure he stayed clean and was taken care of. S H I T T Y parenting!!!! Face it there are not any other words for it.

And before anyone asks, yes DHR is getting involved. That's uncalled for out of a parent. As far as I'm concerned the only thing she cares about is collecting a check. I pray that's not the case but that's the way that it looks. Why anyone would do that to their kid and cause another person's house to smell that awful I have no flipping clue. I can't think for other people. People have to think for themselves. But that was my day.

By the time you guys read this I will be enjoying Doodle's fall festival with her at school. The next day just moves on. I'm pissed and you can't blame me. I've tried getting it through clueless' head and her room mate has done the exact same as me. But she thinks she knows it all and that we are the ones in the wrong. We will just let the State sort it out for her. Don't try to make yourself look like a victim parent when really all you are is a shitty parent and clueless to boot.

So how was your day? I was going to post the pictures that I took of Doodle for fall but I just don't have the time to edit them right now. So instead here's two pictures of Doodle and her friend. We are headed to fall fest this morning and I know Doodle is looking forward to it. Unfortunately for me because of what transpired above I'm nursing a migraine that can't figure out if it wants to stay or go.

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