Friday, September 11, 2015

#neverforget Autism

Today is September 11, 2015. Today is a stain on the American soul that marks the tragedy on September 11, 2001. Our country was attacked by terrorists. Crashing planes into our Twin Towers and Pentagon. But let us not forget the brave souls on United Airlines Flight 93. They were brave souls who stood up for their fellow man and Country on that flight. The plane they were on did not make it to it's destination.

I wasn't going to do a blog today out of the respect for 9-11 and just remain quiet. Thinking that autism and 9-11 really have nothing to do with each other. This is a day to remember. However, 9-11 and autism have a lot to do with each other. This is about teaching our children that there is bad in the world. True evil lurking around the corner and it will come out of nowhere. Pretty much like an autism meltdown. This is about teaching our children to stand up for our Country and take pride in where they live and try to help them understand what happened to us 14 years ago today.

Doodle may not have the full understanding of what all transpired that day when I teach her our American History, but she does have a small grasp of it. I started teaching her about this day in history a few years ago.

Our fight to stay free in America is provided to us by our American Soldiers, Police Officers, Fire Fighters and First Responders. They put their lives on the line every single day to serve and protect. Now this does not mean that we need to treat them in a way to make them feel as though they owe us because "we pay their salary". If you feel that way, I hope you never own a business. This is about respecting the lives that are put on the line every single day to keep us safe. And that can be found in the normal American "Joe" (man or woman).

We are all outstanding. As long as we stick together we will always have a fighting chance and that's the same way that it is with Autism. From the Doctors, nurses, therapists and teachers that make the right impact for our children. We Stand United as one.

So let us take a moment to reflect on those who responded to help those at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, those that lost their lives on planes and in buildings. And let us remember the "battle cry" of Todd Beamer when he said, "Are you guys ready? Let's roll."

Madison Rising - Star Spangled Banner

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