Monday, June 8, 2015

Play dates and Autism

So this summer I will not be defeated by tantrums and the sever aspect of autism. This summer she has play dates. The most she has ever had in her entire life. She has a friend down the street. There is a boy she plays with next door and two friends one town over. That last one is worth the drive.

Children on the spectrum learn from regular or "normal" children. It's the mimicking that they do that helps them learn. They see other children doing it they will more then likely do the same thing. Today Doodle learned about water balloon fights and how much she loves it. She chased the little boy next door around with water balloons and of course he chased her first. She laughed, she screamed. She was acting like a normal child.

And remember that's all that children on the spectrum want is to be treated like a normal child. They don't like for you to talk about them like they aren't there. For the girls they like to have their nails painted, even if the polish is only on their fingers for 5 minutes. They love to wear make up and eat at the ice cream shops with other kids.

I can only tell you what it's like raising a girl on the spectrum. I have no clue what boys like to do. For Doodle she likes playing in mud, sand and water but she loves doing her girl thing. Shopping is her worst habit as most of the time my pocket book can't handle it.

The two friends one town over are special needs friends and it's great for her to play with them and interact with them, I really prefer that she play with kids that she can mimic that don't do the same exact thing she does. Because yes they have autism as well.

It's finding that balance that really counts when it comes to special needs children. There is so much to factor in when raising a child with autism. It's not easy like for a regular child that can tell you what they do and don't want to do.

In later posts I will discuss different ways I get the words out. But by far my favorite is when I call Doodle's name point to my nose to make sure I have her attention and just tell her what to do using sign language. I have better responses with her actually paying attention when I use sign language. If I tell her to stop she won't but if I tell her in sign language she normally stops. And most parents just think I'm threating to beat her. Stop is a funny sign. But I really don't care what people think.

The little boy next door thinks the sign for all done is I'm going to spank you. It's pretty funny. He starts yelling, "Oh, you're going to get it!" But it's a great way to talk to her and I don't have to raise my voice. Just have to get her attention.

Well, this is on the verge of rambling so I'm cutting it short.

You guys have a great day and enjoy your summer. I know when Doodle stops picking at her knee and it heals up I will be taking her to the beach!

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