So this morning I woke up to my alarm at 6:37 am and that's pretty good. Normally, I hit the snooze button until about this time in the morning. I have my alarm starting at 5:00 am and I never hear that alarm going off. But if I didn't have that alarm set I would not be able to hear the one at 6:30 that goes off. I'm weird I know. But this morning is different.
The alarm is going off at 6:37 and I get out of bed to hit the snooze button. I look at the time and for a split second I think it's weird for the alarm to be buzzing this late. And this is how the morning went.
We are so late. Doodle will be getting her first tardy ever. A serious tardy! As I wake Doodle up I'm digging through her school uniform drawer for what she is to wear today. I tell her that she needs to get dressed and in a hurry that we need to be at the school right now. Mommy woke up late. I toss her outfit on the bed as I get my clothing for the day to get myself dressed. I rushed through brushing her hair, tied her shoes no time to brush her teeth and out the door we ran.
I think I might have sped out of the neighborhood. I can't be sure as I was running so late this morning. Trust me I'm sure I sped out of the neighborhood. Got to the secondary street and noticed the traffic was pretty slow. Well, at least I'm not going to have a problem getting across the street to the school. I did debate parking my car and running her across the street if the traffic was bad. I got to the cross road and notice there was no crossing guard and the school zone lights weren't on.
Oh this is bad. We are so late the crossing guards have already gone home. This is going to be a bad day and I will never be able to catch up on my time. As I got closer to the school I noticed that parking lot was kind of empty. Maybe 5 staff cars in the parking lot. Was today Saturday? No can't be Saturday. I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out if today was really Friday. Was today an off day for the students, I question myself pulling into the school. Parents were pulling their cars into their drop off pick up lanes and I pulled into a parking space to get my head wrapped around this situation I find myself in.
Doodle is sitting quietly in her seat looking around at the parking lot. I check the time and it's 7:02. It's at this point I realize we are suppose to be out the door until 7:15 in the morning not 6:15. We are super early today. At this point I have relief running through my body. I can go back home and brush her teeth and do prayers! I can get a cup of coffee! Oh I'm so relieved!
I'm driving out of the school parking lot explaining to Doodle that mommy made a mistake on the time and that we can go home do our prayers correctly and brush our teeth. I think she's just happy to be going home and not to school.
When we get back home I start my coffee. As that is percolating I hold Doodle's hands and we pray to our Lord and Savior. Thanking him for Doodle's speech and we proceed into The Lord's Prayer and this day is going great! After I get my cup of coffee in hand we are off to the bathroom to brush our teeth. Doodle was insistent on putting the paste on her tooth brush.
I got to brush her hair and get the one tangle that alluded me when I first rushed through her hair earlier that morning. She grabbed another toy and outside she went to play on her bike and swing set. I grab the iPad to continue listening to WayFM while she played. Sipping my coffee and enjoying the beautiful day I always miss on school days as we are always just busy getting ready to be out the door. I remind Doodle not to get dirty because she has to go to school. She tells me, "No School!" I remind her that she gets ice cream today and that was the end of that.
When it's time to get back out the door I tell Doodle it's time to go. I brush the dirt off her uniform and she salutes me and tells me Roger that Sargent. I'm not exactly sure where she got that or her new obsession with being an astronaut but it's cute. I show her how to correctly salute and again we are hitting the pavement at full throttle. At least this time around we aren't running late.
Again on the secondary street there is barely any traffic. I'm trying not to panic. The crossing guard is there at the main intersection and I'm relieved. She waves us through as I pull up to the light. When I got to her designated drop off area I tell her para educator that I got there this morning earlier. She told me that she saw me. So even when you think that only The Good Lord sees your funny mistakes, you can guarantee that someone else sees what you're going through. It's a great laugh I will admit that.
You guys have a great day!
Doodle and I headed to Special Olympics. You can read about that one on Monday.
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