Friday, January 30, 2015

It's the flu and Autism

I'm sure some have noticed that I missed two days of keeping up with this blog. Well, something more important came up. It's called the flu and I got it. I went into the school on Monday to talk to Doodle's teacher about some speech help. Remember, this is a free service for you. Use it! Well, Doodle's Para Educator was there and she looked rough! So rough I made a comment that the weekend did not due her justice. In which she promptly informed me that she was sick.

Tuesday morning I woke with a sore throat. And it was very painful. I did two drops of my thieves oil with no effect to this sore throat. By that afternoon my voice was in and out and I looked and sounded rough. Even with makeup on. Wednesday morning I didn't have enough strength to barely get Doodle ready to go to school. When she came home I had enough energy to help her with her homework and get to the health food store. I needed lavender oil so I could make some Vapor Rub.

I'm sure you guys have read or seen photo's circulating social media that Vick's Vapor Rub smeared on the bottom of your feet will help you breath at night so you can sleep. I can confirm that yes it will do that. But you can make your own if you have the correct essential oils. I make my own vaseline for Doodle. This stuff helps to keep the moisture in. And it worked perfectly for keeping my nose from getting chapped as I was blowing my nose a lot! All I needed was lavender oil, rosemary oil and eucalyptus oil to got in the vaseline and I had some true Vapor rub to stick to my feet. The last two oils I still have plenty of but the first one I was out of. I told the girl that I was coming down with the flu and I felt miserable. She recommended that I try these packets that are called greens. At first they tasted pretty good. But by the time I made it to my 3rd packet I just couldn't stomach anymore. While there I also bought some local honey.

The honey soothed my throat, the greens boosted my immune system. Wednesday I still didn't feel very well. I was battling chills. They would come and go every couple of hours. So when Publix opened I ran over there and picked up some yellow onions. Those I put on my feet inside my socks. I took a full day of rest on Thursday feeling much better, but still needed to rest. I tried to rest on Wednesday but that day I just wasn't able to get any rest.

Today, I feel so great that I picked up some tea with elderberry in it to continue building my immune system. Elderberry is suppose to be something that works great with getting rid of flu systems. The tea is much better than the greens. I was able to take Doodle for a walk this afternoon before the sun went down. We sang some TobyMac from memory. Laughed and enjoyed our afternoon together. So I beat the flu in two days. And yes it's true though it sounds weird about the onion. I had some cut up onion which stayed beside my bed. Two days sick. I can live with that. Doodle's Para was out half of Monday and all the rest of the week.

Doodle never did get sick. When I started putting the Vapor rub on her feet her asthma congestion cleared up. She's always had congestion since she was itty bitty. Our pediatrician could only figure that it was from her asthma and it always got worse as the weather changes. The old saying is that you learn something new every single day. And right now I can contest to that. Three years almost four years doing essential oils I'm still learning new things every single day. And everything that benefits Doodle is always a plus in my book.

I hope you have a fantastic day. And for those that are curious about some of the things I got during two days of desperation I'm including the pictures.

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